I could only guess Cohen could read the indecision on my face, the lies warring with the truths on the tip of my tongue. Because the next thing I knew, he was grabbing my face between the meat of his palm and squeezing. So I had no choice but to look him in the eye.
“No one will ever do the things I’ve done for you. No one will ever care for you the way I’ve cared for you. And no one will ever fucking love you the way I’ve loved you. From the first moment I knew you were meant to be mine, Emily.”
“You don’t love me. You love the way I make you feel,” I mumbled between pinched cheeks, watching as Cohen barked out a loud, humorless laugh that had his teeth gnashing and his lips curling into a snarl.
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
I shook my head, as much as I could while my jaw was being pressed against my neck. “No, it’s not.”
Cohen smirked, dropping his mouth so that it was just a breath above mine before he whispered against my lips. “But it could be. It could be whatever I want it to be, pet. And I think it’s time we’ve both accepted there ain’t shit either of us can do about it.”
Emily had a healthy glow to her. Her skin more rosy than pale. Her cheeks fuller than I ever remember them being and her thighs thick enough for me to grab whenever I felt the need to pry them apart and take the plunge. With my cock balls-deep inside her. She was listening better too. Just enough sass to keep things interesting and compliance to keep me from having to cut out her tongue.
She also seemed more at ease, now that she realized running wasn’t an option. Like a house cat that had finally accepted the fact she was much safer indoors. So, by the time the nondescript box had arrived several weeks after her failed escape attempt, I was all too eager to show my little pet what I had in store for her next.
I eyed her on the screen for a minute longer. Enjoying the bounce of her larger breasts, the parting of her plumper lips each time she took a deep breath. I had no idea why I got off on watching her almost as much as I got off on the real fucking thing. But I did. There was just something about seeing a side of Emily no one else got to see. Being a part of her most private moments that had my dick harder than steel. I didn’t think I’d ever get enough of it. Or her, if I were being honest with myself.
Then I closed out of the surveillance app and shoved my phone back into my pocket. Swiping the box off the van’s dashboard before making my way inside. Adrian had sent me out on another job. Which had me flying solo for the night while everyone else got to kick up their feet with their cocks in their hands.
If I had to take a guess, I’d say the fucker did it on purpose. His way of ensuring I didn’t get too complacent. A little reminder that he fucking owned me, and if I didn’t play nice, he’d take my favorite toy away. Again. Seeing as a tiny voice in the back of my head told me Dr. Adrian Lambert, Briarwood’s own certified sociopath, had something to do with Emily’s disappearance from the jump. It was the only thing that made sense after you put all the pieces together.
How else did ya explain the part he had in getting her dropped off at our doorstep?
You didn’t. That was how.
The elevator creaked and moaned as it made its way down to the basement, jostling when it finally landed at the lowest level and opened up onto the maze of hallways. If I took a left, it would bring me to Emily’s former cell while a quick right would land me in my personal bedroom. Where my pet was waiting for me. There was no need to keep her locked up anymore, not when she looked much better tied up on my bed. Her hair sprawled out across my sheets and her pussy wet enough to take my full fist if I felt the urge to punish her.
I tucked the box under my arm, punching in the code to the door and pushing my way inside the room. Emily was seated at the dining table in the corner. Her blue dress perfectly pressed. Her hands secured to the hook I’d screwed into the wall and her hair combed back into a high ponytail—just begging me to wrap it around my hand and tug her up and down on my cock.
But first thing was first.
I dropped the box in front of her, carefully peeling back the flaps to reveal the smaller velvet case inside. Emily watched as I cracked it open, the knitting of her brows a clear sign she wasn’t understanding what she was seeing or what it meant as I removed the metal collar from its padding to set it down on the table between us. Then I freed her wrists and took a step back. Observing her reaction as she reached out a hand to run her fingertip along the cool, sleek edges.
I waited until she dropped her hand to peer up at me through a fan of dark lashes—those were thicker too now—before closing the distance again. Brushing her hair over her shoulders to give myself better access to her throat.
“What is it?” she asked with a hint of hesitation to her voice.
“A present. For you, pet.”
My girl had learned not to question me. It was much better when she accepted the things I gave her. For her, not for me. I didn’t mind putting her in her place whenever a quick reminder was needed. Especially when that reminder ended with tears in her eyes and my cum down her throat. I didn’t give a fuck if she choked on it as long as it got my fucking point across.
Emily nodded her head. Once. The questions running through her mind not daring to make it to her tongue as I pulled the collar apart at the hinge before placing it around her neck. Where it would stay. If the scar on her thigh didn’t tell everyone who she belonged to, the little charm dangling from the center that said “Property of CM” sure as fuck would.
I flicked a finger over the permanent locking mechanism, listening to it click into place as a smirk kicked up one side of my face. “Every good pet deserves a pretty collar,” I hummed while trailing a hand along the metal. Down the soft skin beneath it and over the swell of her breasts before rubbing my thumb back over her new jewelry. Tapping it once when I told her, “This will stay right here. Until it falls off your bones. You’re mine forever, pet.”
There was too much testosterone in the room. It thickened the air and made it difficult to choke down the cheap coffee staring back at me from the bottom of my mug. Too many supposed alpha males holed up in one space all thinking the same thing. That the fact they were born with an outie instead of an innie made them superior.