A day later, Theo was sick all over the back patio. And then about a dozen other places.
A day after that, Eve, Dani, Marcello, and I all got sick.
Carlo said he was fine, but I swear I heard him get ill in the bathroom a few times. But I really didn’t care because I felt like death.
Thank goodness Eve had somewhat recovered by the time the kids and I came down with it.
At least there was one mom around to direct the troops.
But while everyone else had recovered, I was still nauseous and queasy.
And I actually felt worse now than when I’d first gotten sick.
“Three days of stomach flu is three days too many.” Eve sat down beside me and handed me a spoon.
I took it from her and reluctantly dipped it into the steaming hot bowl.
I tasted a partial spoonful, and my stomach growled.
We both laughed. “You must be on the mend.” Eve giggled and gave me a sweet—but worried—smile.
“Gosh, I hope so. I hate pawning the kids off on you. I mean, I know the men are helping, but we both know who does the lion’s share of work with those little ones.”
She rubbed my arm. “Don’t you even think about that. It was my kid who got you sick in the first place. Just concentrate on getting better.” She slipped out the side of the bed and said, “Supper’s in an hour if you feel up to it. Or just stay here and nap.”
I nodded and watched her sway out the door.
I actually was feeling hungry. Which surprised me. Maybe Eve was right, and I was better.
The plain broth didn’t look appetizing. And neither did the crackers.
I decided to shower and see how I felt after that.
Ten minutes later—I felt a lot better.
My hair was clean. My body was clean. And I didn’t smell like hot garbage anymore.
I dried my hair, threw on some yoga pants and a sloppy T-shirt.
I wandered downstairs to the sound of kids laughing.
When I turned the corner, I saw Carlo and Nick on the floor in the living room. The kids were “attacking” them, and the men were tickling them and play wrestling.
Carlo caught sight of me first. “You’re up,” he said, holding a giggling Theo above his head while the twins crawled over his legs.
Nick had Dani upside down and she was laughing her face off.
“I’m up.” I smiled at all of them and walked into the kitchen. Eve was there, frying something on the stove.
She turned around and cheered. “Yay! You’re alive!” She jumped up and down with the wooden spoon in her hand.
I walked up and hugged her. “Thanks. Your soup worked wonders,” I told her even though I hadn’t touched it after she left. I made sure to dump it down the sink so she wouldn’t see it.
“Good, I’m happy you’re better. Can you do me a favor and keep an eye on the meat? We’re having tacos. I have to get everything else out of the fridge.”
I pulled the spoon out of her hand and stepped up to the stove. A big hunk of half-cooked ground beef sizzled in the pan. Most of it was still pink.
The sour smell of uncooked meat quickly entered my nostrils—and even faster—turned my stomach.