“Are you okay? What happened?”
I smiled through my tears, my chin still quivering. “We’re really good. How are you?”
His eyebrows slowly rose on his forehead. “I’m good. Do you need anything?” he asked cautiously.
I nodded and answered right back, “I could use a sandwich. Please.”
His mouth opened, his strong jaw—the same jaw that his father had—fell open. “A sandwich?” he confirmed.
“Yeah, use the roast beef that Evie made last night. Extra mayo and mustard.”
Carlo gave us one more look-over. “I can do that.” And then he slowly walked out of the room, leaving me alone with our son.
Once Marcello was finished, I made sure to burp him before I laid him down in the bassinet.
I pulled it closer to the bed so I could watch him sleep.
He was so peaceful. So satisfied.
And it made my heart feel full.
Carlo walked in with a plate filled with a quickly made sandwich and a bunch of carrot sticks.
It looked divine.
He gazed at the baby and handed me the plate.
“Thanks, but can you help me shower? I’m feeling kind of dizzy, and I don’t want to fall.”
He took the plate from my hand and set it down on the bed.
Then he grabbed my hands and pulled me up.
“Thank Christ. I thought you might want to stay like this.”
That made me laugh so hard, I started crying all over again.
He bent down and lifted me into his arms. “You have no fucking idea how happy it makes me to hear you laugh again.” His lips touched mine. And when he pulled back, he had a lock of my hair stuck to his cheek.
I laughed even harder and wiped it away.
And then my big strong lumberjack carried me to the shower and washed my greasy, gloopy hair. After that, he washed my tender, swollen body. His hands felt wonderful over every inch of my body.
He didn’t make any sexual moves on me. But every time he touched me, I got a sensual zing through my body.
And afterward, he dried me off and used the blow dryer on my hair.
And I felt fantastic.
And clean.
And cherished.
He carried me back to our bed and tucked me in.
The whole time I ate my sandwich, he sat beside me, keeping his careful gaze on everything I was doing. When I offered him a bite of my sandwich, he bit into it and chewed. I watched his mouth move, and his throat bob as he swallowed.
And after I finished my sandwich, I shared my carrots with him.