Page 88 of Risking the King

“Need a boost?” he asked once Carmen was ready for me to ride.

Something inside of me wanted to keep him here. Because if I let him go, who knew how long it would be until I saw him again?

“No, I can get up. Thanks, though. I’ll wait for Carlo. He should be here soon.” Carlo had said he would be out after he returned some work calls. I wasn’t sure how long it would take him, but I didn’t know if Stefan wanted to be around for that.

The smile dropped off his face. “Ah, the boss is coming, too. I see. Then I’ll leave you to your afternoon.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I wanted him to stay. But he obviously didn’t want to.

“Promise me you’ll come back, Stefan. Please?” I asked him, hoping like heck he’d say yes.

When he nodded and pulled me in for a hug, I melted into him.

“I’ll come back and see the twins. And Daniella. I miss that kid so much.” He tightened his arms around me.

I looked up at him and set my hands on his strong chest. “I miss you, Stefan.” My eyes started tearing up. It could be the pregnancy hormones, but I didn’t think so.

“Fuck, woman. I miss you so much I can barely see straight sometimes.” He lowered his head until our lips were only inches apart. I felt his warm breath on my face. And I saw the sadness sitting there, written right across his face.

And it devastated me.

He must feel so alone right now.

I wanted to show him that was not the case. So, I closed the distance between us and pressed my lips to his.

He groaned and instantly took over the kiss. Our tongues touched, and I felt an electric jolt go straight between my legs.

His hands landed on my behind and he squeezed me there.

It felt amazing.

My fingers weaved together behind his neck, and I held on.

And then we kissed. And kissed. And kissed.

Stefan’s hands moved up my back—and stayed there.

Stefan knew there were boundaries that we had to stick to. And he wouldn’t push me.

Not long after that, he pulled away from me, panting against my lips. “Fuck, I still love you. So fuckin’ much, it hurts.”

I kissed his cheek and down his neck. Then I held on and hugged the crap out of him. “I love you, too. And I always will.”

He sighed and buried his head in my neck. He didn’t respond, though.

When we broke apart, he gave me one last kiss on the lips. “Have a good afternoon, sweetheart. I’ll come by later in the week to see the kids.”

I couldn’t have disguised the huge grin that crossed my face if I’d wanted to. “That sounds great.”

He nodded, turned, and disappeared out of the barn.


I really, really, really hoped he’d show back up again. And soon.

I rechecked Carmen’s saddle, and then I decided to grab some water. I wandered toward the small fridge at the front of the stables when a very familiar voice said, “I see the rumors were true. You are fucking both Sovrano brothers. I mean, I always knew how big of a slut you were. But I never expected you to jump into bed with two brothers.”

I slowly turned around to see my worst nightmare standing there.