Rhett pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the name on the screen as if he didn’t know who it was.
He brushed his thumb across the screen and lifted it to his ear. “Jacob.”
“Hey. Sorry to bother you, man. I was trying to call Morgan and she’s not answering.”
“Yeah… uh.”His whole mood dropped through the floor. Sighing, Rhett lifted his other hand to press his fingers against his temple but he stopped when he caught sight of the bag in his hand. “Jacob. Morgan’s in the hospital.”
The other end of the call went silent. He didn’t even think that Jacob was breathing.
“She was in a car accident. We’re still learning more about it, police are investigating.”
Rhett felt his heart pounding painfully against his ribs.
“We were called to the scene. Dispatch said it was a hit and run and she was trapped in the car. I… I climbed in after her and held her hand. I was there while they opened the car so we could get her out.”
“But she’s alive.”
“She’s in with the ER staff. They brought her clothes out to me.” Putting it into words was painful.
“But she’s alive? Right?”
Rhett wanted to beat his head against the wall. “Yes… Yes. As far as I know… I’m just waiting for news.”
“I’m coming down to San Antonio.”
“We don’t have any concrete information-”
“I don’t care! You just told me that my sister was in a car accident and in the ER. I’m coming down there. I need to be there with her.”
“Yeah… Yes, of course.” What else could he say?
When Morgan was ready to have visitors, she’d want to have her brother there.
“I’ll be here at the hospital. I’ll send you the address and updates as they come in.”
“Okay.” Rhett heard the rough scratch in Jacob’s voice. “God… she’s all I have left. She’s got to be okay.”
Rhett wasn’t sure he could hold it in any longer. “I’m sorry, Jacob. I’m so damn sorry.”
The words felt like they were torn straight from his chest through his ribs and skin.
“What do you mean, man? You didn’t hit her car, did you?”
“Well, no, but-”
“You didn’t cause this… You just keep her going until I get there.”
“Okay…” What else could he say. “We’ll be here when you get here.”
The phone call ended on that rather final note.
The first thing she felt was the warmth against her hand.
That’s when she remembered where she’d been.