That's when Morgan started to come around.
It was a rush at first. She sat up, gasping in a breath as if she'd just broken free of a bad dream, only to find herself in something worse.
"No!" She brought her hands up in front of her as if she was trying to protect her face, but from the looks of the steering wheel, the airbags had been cut away.
"Morgan. Hey! It's me."
She turned to him, her hand reaching out first, fisting in his T-shirt. "Palmer!"
"Hey. Yeah. It's me, honey. It's me."
The screech of metal almost stole his hearing, but he leaned in toward Morgan, making sure that his coat was over her face and head, putting his arm between her and the door.
"We're all here. Abe's going to have your door open in just a sec and then we'll get you out."
She turned to look at him, blinking. "What about you?"
"I got in here to be with you."
"Why?" She was near tears. He could see it and hear it in her voice.
"Why?" He used his free hand to gently touch her face and brush away little shards of glass. "Because I love you, Morgana Rafferty. All I had to do was climb in through a broken window, but if I had to crawl through fire without my gear, I'd do it."
"You're here," she leaned her forehead against his. "You're here with me."
Her voice was softening and Rhett knew what that might mean.
"Hey." He nudged her with his shoulder. "Look at me."
She reacted and lifted her gaze to his face, but her reaction time was slow. "Hey."
"You have to stay awake, sweetheart. Focus. On me. Stay. With me."
Her smile was slow, languid... lethargic.
He used this free hand to grip her jaw, turn her face to his as he moved forward in the seat to meet her gaze. "Please, Morgana. Stay with me."
"It was the chemistry teacher..."
He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "The chemistry teacher hit your car?"
"No," her head kept shaking back and forth and he lowered his coat to look out of the window.
"Hurry up, she's fading!"
He didn't wait for a response. He didn't need one. They were doing their best. He knew that.
He'd apologize later, but at that very moment, he was frantic.
He had to get her out of that car and to the hospital as soon as he could.
"It was the re- resource officer. He was driving. The ch- the teacher was in the..."
"Come on, Morgana. Come on beautiful," he hunched over trying to catch her gaze as her chin continued to drop, her whole body slowing... sagging, "stay with me. Please, baby. I... I need you."
"Well, good..." The corners of her mouth lifted up and she drew in a breath that rattled in her lungs. "I need you, t-"
Her whole body went slack and calm, cool-headed Palmer Butler lost his mind.