Rhett reached out and traced his fingertips across her cheek and felt her move.
She didn’t wake up, but she snuggled closer to him.
He felt his heart swell in his chest and knew that he’d been right.
He loved her.
He had no idea when it had happened, but he knew he felt it. Had never felt it before like he did now.
She reached out her hand and he sucked in a breath when she laid her palm against his chest.
“Morning, Palmer.”
“You’re awake.” He smiled at her.
“I think I’m still dreaming.” She moved her hand across his chest and slowly opened her eyes. “You feel like heaven.”
“Stop reading my mind,” he smiled at her. “I didn’t ask you what time you needed to get up for school.”
She looked past his shoulder at the light coming through the window. “Soon.”
He chuckled softly. “I know you’re not a morning person.”
“That is true.”
“But this is the first time I’ve gotten to see you wake up.”
She gave him a hesitant smile. “Scared yet?”
“Hardly.” He gave her a look that had her shivering. “I’m wondering if you want me to make you breakfast while you get ready for work.”
Rhett sat up and she looked at the clock on his bedside table.
“If I wasn’t already a little worn out, I’d tell you that I’d rather stay here in bed for a little while longer. But I think I better shower and hope you make me a coffee strong enough to carry itself to the table.”
He leaned in and kissed her well enough to leave her staring at him when he got out of bed.
“Go on,” he told her, “get moving into that shower before I have to carry you in there.”
She threw back the covers and mock-glared at him. “Not exactly a threat.”
She stood up and he was the one staring.
They’d both dressed before falling asleep, but seeing her in that same pastel pink tank and panty set made his mouth water and his dick stand up at attention.
Rhett wasn’t sure that she’d noticed how she’d affected him, but as she moved past him in the doorway, she gave him a pat on his bare chest.
“Later, handsome. I’ve got teenagers to wrangle.”
He shook his head, smiling. Something he was doing a lot now that he had Morgan in his life.
It was hard to put a smile on her face today. After she’d checked in at the office, she’d been told that Benji’s parents were going to keep him home for a few days.
It had been unreasonable for her to think that he’d be back to school the next day.
Still, she’d been hoping for some good news.