He tilted his head to the side as he looked deeper into her eyes. "What's going on, Morgan? I don't understand."
"What do you mean?"
He moved his hands from her hips to the outside of her thighs. "You wanted to get closer to me. I'm guessing you felt how hard I was."
She nodded slowly.
"So you're afraid I'll see you and I'll decided I won't want you anymore?"
She nodded again.
"So why would you want to let me get closer to you instead of you pulling away?"
She bit into her lip again and he was afraid if she did that any more she might draw blood.
When she spoke, she blurted out her words in such a rush that he knew how tied up she was inside.
"I was hoping I could... I could come like this, pressed up against you. I read that in a book and it sounds heavenly."
He lifted an eyebrow at that.
"Well, I'm guessing it would work and then I could... I could use my hands or my mouth and you could... you know."
He had to take a breath and process what she was saying. "So you thought you'd come against my dick and then... suck me off?"
She pulled her hands away from his shoulders and covered her cheeks. "That way we both... you know."
"I can help you come like this, Morgan. I'll show you how to ride me and come. I can also use my hand to do it. Or my mouth."
She covered her whole face and groaned.
"Oh my god. You'd have to see me then."
"Baby- Morgan. Look at me."
It took a few seconds, but she pulled her hands down so he could see her eyes.
"Oh, baby, don't cry."
He reached up his hands and drew her hands back to his shoulders.
"Let me show you."
"Let me show you."
Oh god.
She held onto his shoulders because that's all she could do.
Straddled across his lap, she felt so exposed already. Why not go the extra measure?
She should just find out right away like it had been with-