And Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rae Dawn Chong had captivated her.
By the end of the movie, when they were on the island and searching for his daughter, Morgan had one hand gripping his thigh and the other gripping his arm.
"Oh my god, how have I never seen this movie before?"
"I don't know. It's a classic." He shrugged and accidentally lifted her head where it was laying on his shoulder. "Sorry."
She sat up a little and gave him a look he didn't understand. "What other films are we adding to the list?"
He looked at her surprised. "I'm glad you liked it."
"I liked the action, but I really loved the snarky one-liners." She wiggled a little and gave him what looked like a stern teacher look. "Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I lied." There was a moment of quiet and then she laughed out loud. "That was awesome! And then when she said they ate too much red meat!"
He agreed.
"I love that she flew the plane! And the thing... where she shot in the wrong direction? That was amazing!"
Rhett couldn't stop smiling.
She was beautiful every second of the day, but smiling like she was... excited and happy? She was incandescent.
She filled his whole life with light.
"You, Palmer Butler," she leaned in just inches from his face, "amaze me."
And then her lips were on his.
He wrapped his arms around her and drew her down into his lap.
She didn't tense up or try to hold herself away from him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and met his kisses, feeding the building hunger between them.
Rhett felt her hand sliding up the back of his neck and her palm move around the back of his head.
The sensations she created were incredible. Her hand in his hair, her lips against his and her full rounded backside wiggling against his dick made him so damn hard.
When she opened her lips, he followed eagerly, opening his mouth and tracing her bottom lip before delving into her mouth.
She moaned and pressed closer.
Her breasts...
"Oh god." He moaned into her mouth as her breasts flattened against his chest. He'd never been so aroused before.
She started to shift on his lap, and he put his hands on her hips to hold her steady.
"What?" She sounded breathless and flustered.
He looked at her, smiling. "Where are you going?"
Her cheeks were flushed with heat. "I... I wanted to sit- I mean, I wanted to-" She looked down between them. "I want to feel you against-"
She turned her face away and he lifted his hand and touched her chin, turning her head to look at him.
"Let me help you."
Her eyes widened and she smiled again.
Rhett knew he'd do anything for this woman.