Page 57 of Shelter for Morgan

Morgan nodded and looked back at the doctor. "Please tell him that I'll see him in school."

Benji's mom muttered something under her breath and waved at the walkway for the doctor to precede her.

Morgan had stayed in place until Palmer had touched her arm.

"Are you okay?"

She looked up at him. "No. I was waiting for him to not be in pain before talking to him, but I think I made a mistake."

Palmer put his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into his side. "You did the right thing, Morgan. Everything will work out."

She smiled as his hand squeezed at her shoulder. "Thanks, Palmer."

They walked out into the parking lot together, headed toward his truck.

When they got to the passenger side, she turned and grasped his shirt with both hands, bringing him closer.

He looked surprised, but not unhappy with the change.

"I know you were tired when you finished work, so I'm sorry I called you. I just knew that you'd be able to handle this and help him."

He leaned in, placing one hand on the side of his truck by her head. "I'm always happy to help."

"I'm so lucky to have you as..."

She hesitated, not knowing how to end that thought. She licked her lip and looked up to see his eyes focused on her mouth.

"I'm lucky to have you."

He lifted his gaze from her mouth back to her eyes. "Why did you change your words?"

She didn't answer him, but she was happy when he spoke again.

"I'm hoping you'll want to be mine."

Her breath caught in her throat. "Yours?"

"Mine." He nodded. "I know it might be strange living together, building this relationship between us, but I know I want to be with you."

"Be with me," she parroted with a smile on her lips. "So, dating?"

He nodded.


He leaned in and placed a slow, delicious kiss against her lips.

When he pulled away, she felt hazy and happy. "And..."

His eyes darkened and even though they were in a parking lot, Morgan was tempted to keep kissing him. "Are you going back to the school?"

She nodded. "I need to write up the report and," she turned her head and looked at his watch, "I think I can teach my last two classes."

Palmer opened the door for her and helped her in. They were back at the school in minutes, and she found herself totally in love with this man.

Not the crush she had years ago when she met him, but crazy in love with a man who was so kind and amazing she couldn't believe that he was real.