Page 49 of Shelter for Morgan

Her eyes widened and she sucked in a breath.

Palmer looked surprised, but he didn't move away. She wondered what it would take to scare him and make him pull away.

Probably nothing.

Palmer was just such a rock steady man she didn't think it would be possible.

He'd already shown her his empathy when he spoke of that family who lost their house.

Now, he was standing there with her nose-to-nose and not showing any signs of pulling away.

She knew she didn't want to either.


She licked at her lips and saw his eyes dart down to look at her lips before his gaze lifted to hers.

"I... I knew if I started asking my questions, we'd never leave and I'm starting to get hungry." Her grin lifted at the corners. "Does that sound horrible?"

"Horrible?" He shook his head. "It sounds honest. And honest is good."

"Yeah?" She reached out and put her hands on his arm again, enjoying the feel of how solid it was.

"Yeah," he nodded and put his hand over hers again.

She barely held herself back from shivering at the pleasant heat of his touch.

He leaned in, his cheek just a scant inch from hers and his breath feathered against the sensitive edge of her ear. "Then let's get going."

She would have gone anywhere with him after that, so she walked with him, heading down the street together.

Morgan couldn't help that she was a little sad that they'd left the murals behind.

Palmer leaned into her, brushing his arm against her shoulder. "You look sad."

She winced at his words and looked up at him. "I'm not!" She forced a smile on her lips. "I'm just..."

He dropped his chin and gave her what she now considered 'his look,' a straightforward, even look as rock solid as he was.

And she realized what it meant at that moment.


"Truth." A soft smile touched his lips as they walked on.

"I'm sad we had to walk away, but I was hungry. And we were here for dinner, so I know we had to get moving. We both have work tomorrow."

He nodded and she continued to walk at his side, enjoying his confidence beside her.

"Well, we can't do everything tonight."

She had to acknowledge the truth in that. "That reminds me of something I started to use with my students. Which probably sounds better than it is because they've only been my students for a short time."

Palmer nodded but it was the gentle squeeze of his hand on hers that made her feel better.

"It's from a movie from the Eighties."

"That sounds fitting."