Licking at her lips nervously, she moved over, keeping her gaze on the class until she could reach down and pick up the piece of paper.
She put it into her pocket to read when she was alone and hoped that she might be one big step closer to figuring out what was going on with Benji.
And it was the instant that the last student left the classroom that she pulled the paper out of her pocket and unfolded it.
She turned the paper over and over hoping that there would be more. He'd asked the question but hadn't given her a way to answer besides talking to him and that seemed like a roadblock right there. If she asked to speak to him, would he actually come to see her?
She knew she had to try. She just wasn't sure what was the best way to reach him and help him feel comfortable enough to confide in her.
But she had made progress.
She had to hold onto that thought if things slid backwards, downhill.
She'd found the footholds to get them to this place so she could do it again.
She'd find a way to help Benji.
She just had to.
Morgan's car needed a little work, so they left it at the service station to get that work done, but it didn't cause much of a problem for Rhett. Even though she assured him that she could take the bus to the school in the morning, Rhett assured her that she should take his Silverado in to the school. He'd catch a ride home after his shift.
This time it was Cowboy who dropped him off.
The lieutenant was headed home, and it didn't change his schedule all that much to sidetrack to the apartment complex and get back on the road.
It made him smile when he got into their apartment, and he could smell her scent in the air.
That, and some fresh brewed coffee.
Setting his duffel bag down near the laundry nook in the kitchen, Rhett moved over to the counter and read the note that she left for him.
Hope you got home safe!
Thanks again for loaning me your truck.
You'll have to give him a name before I do.
See you this afternoon,
He poured himself a cup of coffee and breathed in its scent.
It was so different from so many other times that he'd come home to an empty apartment.