"Wow." Joan sighed, sounding as relieved as Morgan felt. "Talk about zero to obnoxious in two-point-five seconds."
Leaning into her friend, Morgan whispered, "He's not taken. At least I haven't seen him with a woman. He hasn't gone out on dates either."
Joan listened to her and nodded slowly. "Uh huh."
"So he's not taken."
"Riiiight." Joan smiled at her. "Have you seen the way he looks at you?"
"He looks at me. I look at him," she explained. "It helps to ensure that we don't walk into each other around the apartment. And at the table, it makes for a polite conversation."
"Wow." Joan shook her head. "I'm going to call you Cleo."
Morgan felt something pinch between her brows. "Cleo? The one from those late-night commercials in the Eighties?"
"No, sweetie. Cleopatra. The Queen of DeNial."
Morgan felt Joan's hand on her shoulder.
"That man is totally enamored with you."
"Enamored?" Morgan gave her friend a smile. "Are you sure you're not an English teacher?"
Joan flattened her hand on her chest. "If I had pearls, I would clutch them. No, girl. Enamored! I read my share and then some of Regency Romance. But seriously, I think if you gave the man half a chance, he'd sweep you right off your feet." She stopped short and started again. "He's a firefighter. He'd throw you over his shoulder in that fireman's carry and toss you on the b-"
Morgan put her hand over Joan's mouth. "Stop!" Then she slowly removed her hand and spoke quietly again. "Nothing like that's going to happen. He didn't even remember that I was a girl when my brother called him. He's just a nice guy."
"Just a nice guy?" Joan narrowed her eyes at Morgan. "Oh, wait. So you're not interested in him? That's cool if that's true. You don't have to be attracted to the super-hot guy making you dinner several nights a week."
Morgan was frustrated. Why didn't Joan understand? "I've been interested for years, but I'm not going to tell Palmer that. He's going to think I'm stalking him or something."
"What? Are you?"
"No. Of course not. But we're living together. I don't want him to think that I'm sneaking into his room or something like that."
Joan rolled her eyes. "I think you've thought about this too much, Morgan. Maybe let things... happen if they happen."
Morgan wasn't sure what to say to that, but maybe that's what Joan was trying to tell her. She didn't have to react to it. "I think I'm just so used to defining things in my own head that I don't know when to stop."
Joan gave her a nudge with her shoulder. "I get it, girl. Goodness knows I sabotage things for myself. Usually only the good stuff." She sighed. "My psyche seems to have no problems letting all the junk happen. Look, I'll see you later for lunch?"
Morgan nodded. "Thanks, I'll see you then."
Joan walked out the door and Morgan started toward the door herself.
"Miss Rafferty."
Morgan tried to ignore the immediate pinch of nerves along her spine between her shoulder blades. Ever since she'd met the School Resource Officer, she'd been trying to avoid him at every turn.
Pasting what she hoped was a relaxed and normal smile on her face she turned back around. "Officer Munder. I was just heading to my class."
She looked at the open doorway hoping that he'd understand that she didn't want to stay and talk to him.
The officer was a little taller than Palmer, but the way he walked made him look shorter somehow. Morgan couldn't quite figure it out. "I could walk you if you like."
"Uh..." She definitely didn't 'like,' but she didn't want to get on his bad side, and she had a feeling he wouldn't like her telling him no. "Sure! If it wouldn't be too far out of your way."
He put his hands on his hips and gave her a grin that reminded her of some kind of evil cartoon character. "I'm the School Resource Officer, Miss Rafferty. This whole school is my way."