Rhett grinned. "Well, I certainly can't do it. I have no talent for that, but Jordan's a top-notch mechanic. We'll take care of it, Morgan. Don't worry."
"Okay," she started to turn back, but stopped. "Hey, you said you were wondering about something? I'm sorry. I just rolled right over you."
"No, it's okay. I'll talk to you about it when we have some time, like tomorrow night when I get back from the firehouse."
"Oh," her voice was softer, more... hesitant. "Okay."
He wasn't sure he'd made the right decision to even try to start the conversation, but after deciding to admit it to himself and her brother, Jacob, he just wanted to ask her. Now he was trying to get her to school on time, so it was probably the best thing that she accidentally rolled right over him.
As he pulled into the school, he saw a few adults on the sidewalk talking amongst themselves.
One of the women waved at the truck and Morgan enthusiastically waved back.
"Where do the teachers park?"
She gestured at the small area in front of the school building. "Right here, anywhere. I think they put the teacher parking here so that the staff can look out during the day. Fewer pranks that way."
Rhett nodded and set the parking brake before stepping out of the cab.
Morgan didn't wait for him to come back around and open her door. She was out and walking around the front while he grabbed his duffle from the bed.
For a moment he thought about reaching for her hand again, but this wasn't the time. They were at her workplace, and he didn't know the rules she had to follow. It had been a long time since he was in a school like this in any other capacity than as a part time educator to teach fire safety.
All the people he worked with were men and friends, but he didn't want to hold any of their hands.
Rhett moved over and put himself on Morgan's right side to keep himself between her and the incoming traffic and walked at her side until they were on the sidewalk.
He wasn't sure where he could go from there.
Morgan turned to him and waved for him to follow her.
It felt good that she wanted him to walk with her.
"Morgan! We were getting worried!"
Morgan sighed. "Claude wouldn't start this morning so Palmer is letting me use his truck to get home tonight."
"So this is Palmer, your roommate?"
Rhett heard that from the woman at the back of the group, but she didn't stay at the back for long. She sauntered around the side and held out her hand to him. "I'm Amanda. And I'm single."
He shook her hand and then reached out to the next woman, trying not to make a scene. "I'm Palmer."
"I know," she smiled at him. "I'm Joan. I'm another teacher in her building."
"Social Studies?"
Joan grinned. "Specifically, Early American History. If a man was wearing a white powdered wig, I know about it."
"That sounds like fun."
"Knee breeches," Joan waggled her eyebrows, "they make me weak."
He barely had time to meet the others before Rush pulled up along the curb. "Let's go, Rhett!"
Rhett looked at the group and ended up looking at Morgan. "I'll see you tomorrow."
She smiled and before he knew what was going on, she gave him a hug, whispering in his ear. "Thanks, Palmer. You really saved me today."