Page 59 of Shelter for Morgan

Her eyes opened and she looked at him.

“That’s left over from my teenage crush on you.”

Rhett wasn’t sure he heard her right. “Your what?”

She looked down at the table.

He walked over to her and took her hand in his, drawing her along with him to the couch.

He didn’t let go when they sat down, and he held her hand in both of his. “What did you say?”

He watched her draw in a breath and then let it out. He could see that it was taking a lot for her to talk to him about this.

“I’ve had a crush on you since the moment I met you.”


She saw how confused he was and almost felt bad telling him about it, but he wanted to know.

“It was at a community event. Jacob had brought me with him to get me out of the house. I was going through one of my “house potato’ periods.”

One brow rose on his incredible forehead.

“It’s like a couch potato but more active. I just didn’t want to go outside.”

Drawing in a breath, she continued.

“It was some kind of safety event and I remember that there had to be more than a dozen booths and other areas, but I didn’t want to walk around. I just wanted to sit in the grass and read under a tree.”

She saw him move, leaning back a little.

“There was a dragon on the cover.”

Morgan smiled. “I was heavily into the Sunrunner series by Melanie Rawn and I considered it a personal affront that Jacob dragged me out of the house.”

“I’m sure he had good intentions.”

“He did, but I didn’t care then. I was just mad and then you came over to talk to him.”

“I told him half the crowd could hear him.”

She grinned at the memory. “If it had been anyone else but you or his higher ups, he would have told you where to stick your advice.”

She loved Palmer’s half smiles.

Not only did he look incredibly hot, but she wanted to earn the rest of his smile.

“I guess I did know he had a sister, but when he said Morgan-“

“You thought boy.” She shrugged. “I get it, but back then he might have called me Morgana.”

That seemed to strike another cord with him.

“Why did you stop using that name?”

She looked away then. She hadn’t expected the question.
