Which she barely kept herself from doing.
She dressed in the bathroom, shrugging on her sports bra with her skin still partially damp and managed to pull on the rest of her clothes while she brushed her teeth.
Morning breath wouldn't do when she was talking to students all day.
High school kids had no problem telling you if they didn't like your clothes. They would certainly tell her if her breath stank.
Smiling at herself, she rinsed out her mouth and quickly cleaned the sink counter and closed the shower curtain. A quick visual once-over and she turned off the light and left the bathroom.
Rhett waited to leave until the last minute, which wasn't normal for him at all. He was feeling a little... unsettled and he certainly didn't want to drive like that. When he'd seen Morgan in the reflection of the mirror, the moment had hit him in a way that he hadn't expected.
There had been something... intimate in the moment.
It wasn't the first time that he'd felt that way.
Having her lean against his shoulder while she was sleeping, her hand on his thigh, that moment had been burned into his memory.
He didn't even know why he'd gone to check on her other than the fact that he needed to see her. He needed to know that he hadn't made things too uncomfortable.
He'd meant to ask her, but then he'd just been worried.
She looked exhausted and he could feel stress rolling off of her in waves.
He just needed to make sure that she was going to be okay to drive.
But, when she'd reappeared after getting ready for school, she looked much better, telling him that she appreciated the hot water in his shower.
She'd even done a little gesture, raising her fist in the air after her first sip of coffee.
He knew that she was all right.
He wasn’t.
He had to come to terms with the fact that he was attracted to his roommate.
More than attracted to her.
He wanted to ask her out.
And soon.
Picking up his cell phone from the counter, he made a call as he hefted his duffle bag strap onto his shoulder.
The call picked up almost immediately.
"Hey! How are things going with my sister? Has she gotten on your nerves yet?"
Now that Jacob was on the phone, Rhett didn't know what to say.
"Is everything okay with Morgan?"
"Yeah. Yeah. In fact, she just left to drive to school. Sorry."
He had a feeling that he knew the look that was likely on Jacob's face. He was skeptical about the answer.
"No, really, man. She's fine."