Any other words were cut off when he closed his lips around the tip of her breast.
And when she felt his tongue sweep across her nipple, she saw stars at the edges of her vision.
Her hands gripped at the back of his head, holding him close.
The sensations she was feeling were incredible and almost overwhelming.
The hard press of her sex against his, his hand on her breast, and his mouth... Oh the things he was doing with his mouth. Her head was spinning.
"Dom... Dom, wait."
He leaned back, his lips glossed and parted. "You want me to stop?"
"No," she shook her head. "Yes." She moved her hands from his head to his neck, holding him gently. "I don't know. I feel like I'm about to lose my mind."
A curious expression settled across his features. "Have you... Have you had an orgasm before?"
She looked down at her hands, moving them down to his shoulders. "By myself. I thought I get good enough to make it happen during sex, but it never seemed to work."
"I know I can do it, I just... with you touching me in so many amazing places at once I feel like I'm going to faint before it happens."
He moved his hands to her back, gently smoothing them up and down almost to her waist and shoulders. "Does that feel okay?"
She nodded, her breaths easing a little. "Better."
"Where do you want me to touch you? How?"
Kawehi rocked her hips against him and bit into her lip when the ache between her legs intensified. "I liked it when you had her hand... on my back and-"
He placed one hand on her lower back and arched his hips under her. "Like that?"
She nodded, moving with him. "Yeah. Like that."
He lowered his other hand to the bed at his side and suddenly he was pressing against her, harder... higher.
"Oh, yes..."
He smiled, continuing the movements against her. "It feels great for me, too."
She smiled and a soft moan escaped her throat. "I'm glad, because I think I know what Maile meant..."
"Getting back on the horse."
The look he gave her was scorching. "I'd let you ride anytime."
"Yeah?" She was on the verge of being breathless. "But maybe not this first time?"
Dom looked over at the clock on the wall before he looked back at her. "Okay, gorgeous. Challenge accepted."
He wrapped an arm around her back and a moment later she was flat on her back with Dom leaning over her, smiling.
"Is this weird?" she asked him.
He smoothed her hair back from her face. "Weird, how?"