Page 87 of Pallas & Kawehi

"It's that little sea creature thing. The Axo- Axal-"


"I don't know how to say it. But it's such a cute animal and he's just a jerk."

"You think he's sexy. I've seen the way you look at him when he can't see you doing it."

Maile looked at her as if she had been betrayed. "Being sexy isn't enough."

Kawehi nodded. "No, it's not. But if you're not looking for Happy Ever After. What's wrong with Happy for Now?"

Maile narrowed her eyes at her. "I take it back. You might be reading too many romance novels."

"Okay. We can talk about this more later-"

"No, we don't have to." Maile rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Okay. So let's get going. I want to hear the Velasco Family play."

Maile went to the sink to wash out the cup and Kawehi put the POG jug back in the refrigerator. She really needed the festival to take her mind off of everything rushing around in her head.

She smiled when Maile hugged her from behind.

"I love you, Cuz."

Kawehi smiled and covered Maile's hands with her own. "I love you right back."

The line of cars trying to get through to the public parking area was like the line of slugs, it was a pain creeping through the base, but there were Marines in uniform directing the cars, so they weren't going to get lost.

"Oh. My. God. I'm sorry I was late to your house."

Maile leaned her head against the window.

"It's okay," Kawehi smiled to put it in her voice, but she wasn't happy about being late. She was looking forward to seeing Dom. She was hoping that they might get a chance to dance. If they ever got to the festival.


Looking at his phone, he didn't see any messages or missed calls. He blew out a breath and barely resisted the urge to call.

"What are you looking for?"

Pallas looked up and smiled at Buck. "A message from Kawehi. I don't want to miss her when she comes in."

Buck looked at the double lines of people making their way through the discreetly covered metal detectors on their way into the hangar. "It's going to be awhile with this line." He gestured out into the night. "I heard that the guys at the gate say its bumper-to-bumper out there."

Pallas nodded. "I doubt she's going to message me if she's on the road."

"True." Buck shrugged. "You want me to wait with you?"

Pallas shook his head. "Let me message her and then I'll go with you to the static display. I'd rather do something with my time than sit here staring at the line of people coming in."

He looked down at his cell phone at the messages they'd already sent and decided to leave it be. She had to be on the way, and he didn't want to bother her on the road. At night with a lot of cars trying to make their way onto the base, a momentary distraction could be enough to cause an accident.

He knew that she'd send him a message when she arrived, so he slid his phone back into his pocket and walked through the hangar on his way to the tarmac on the other side.

Pallas and Buck looked at the scores of booths lining the serpentine path they'd created through the cavernous space.

"They have pretty much everything in here."