He looked over at the other bank of benches at Dutch, putting a neutral expression on his face. "Yeah?"
"All kidding aside, I'm hoping we'll be able to come over to the festival at KBAY without any trouble."
Pallas laughed openly. "Fine. We'll let you guys in. Your money is just as green as ours."
Dutch raised a brow at him. "You should know colors," he winked, "you've had plenty of crayons."
Kid stepped in between them. "Pallas? You want me to take out the trash?"
Pallas was already up on his feet. "Kid. Kid, it's okay. Dutch is just going for the low hanging fruit."
Kid stepped back, his face set in a scowl. "He's being an ass. We all agreed to keep things family friendly."
Pallas almost laughed, not at the other Marine, but at Dutch's awkward expression.
Turning his back toward the food counter so Kawehi wouldn't see. "Dutch should know all about low hanging fruit." Pallas cupped his hand down near his balls. "His fruit is practically dragging on the ground. Like his knuckles."
"You're an ass, Pallas."
They were both laughing at that point. Dutch shook his head. "Chicken."
Kid looked between the two of them. "What's chicken about?"
Dutch gestured at Pallas. "He's hiding his crude gesture from his woman."
Pallas nodded. "Well, I'm not going to do anything to tick her off. You'd understand if you had a woman as amazing as she is."
Nodding, Dutch sat back on the bench behind him. "Can't lose what I don't have. Good for you, Pallas."
Pallas clapped his hand down on Kid's shoulder. "Hey. It's your turn."
Kid turned to look at the screen and then turned back to Pallas smiling. "I was on the Varsity team at my high school in Tulsa." He moved away to grab his ball from the ball return and Pallas saw some of Dutch's men glaring at him.
Sherlock shook his head. "I should have known you had a ringer."
Vibe nudged Sherlock with his elbow. "Yeah, genius. Where were your powers of observation."
Sherlock swatted Vibe's hand away. "I've never seen him bowl, asshole."
Preacher laughed at both of them. "Everyone calm down. This is just for fun."
SOS laughed. "To you. These guys are going to start practicing every chance they get to beat the grunts next time."
Dutch turned back to Pallas. "Children."
Pallas nodded in reply. "Can't take them anywhere."
The pins exploded and everyone turned to look. Kid turned around with both arms up in the air. "Turkey!"
The Marines jumped up to congratulate him and Pallas gave Dutch a wink. "Start practicing."
Kawehi had never been much of a superstitious person. You had to have a few growing up in Hawaii. Like you don't take pork off the Pali. Be careful of old women by the sea and beautiful women in the mountains walking along all by themselves. But those were more cultural myths and warnings than superstitions. At least that's what she told herself.
The strange feeling of something crawling across her skin on the back of her neck was new.