Most of the men in the room nodded in agreement.
"So I can see that we'll have pretty much everyone signing up to help." Pallas saw Twinkie sinking down into his chair. "It's only a few hours and you'll enjoy it once you’re there."
Twinkie dropped his head into one hand, groaning.
POS was the startling voice of reason in the room. "Dude. Stop griping or you're going to end up being volun-told to do it."
Pallas pointed at POS. "That's right. Thanks, POS."
"Yes, sir. I'll help."
The door opened back up and every man in the room was suddenly all business. Wolf lifted his gaze to look at everyone in the room. "We're headed out in a few hours."
Pallas knew what that meant and knew by the weight on Wolf's metaphorical shoulders that he wouldn't be back in time to take Kawehi to the beach.
"What's up, Wolf?"
Wolf looked at Buck and gave him the hint of a smile. "We're headed to the Philippines. Apparently, the brass thinks that there's trouble brewing on the streets of Manila."
Jammer sat back in his chair. "They've got some trouble brewing with China and unrest is building."
Wolf nodded. "Reading the newspaper again?"
Jammer sank a little more into his seat. "Apple News on my phone. They're pretty good."
"Good. We're going in to assist the Marines at the Embassy. But we're going in as regular Americans. We don't want people in the area to think that the military is adding to its presence in the city."
Pallas nodded. If the people became aware of more military coming into the city, they might act out of worry or panic. Neither would be good or helpful if unrest was already building in Manila.
"According to the brass, we'll be there for a few days, at least."
Kid shifted in his seat and looked to Pallas first and then Wolf. "And the other end?"
Pallas set his hand on the back of Kid's chair. "We'll be there as long as it takes."
Buck nodded. "We're there to do a job and when it's done-"
"Then we'll come back here." Wolf gave them all a pointed nod. "I'll message you the details, but for now you can head back to your apartments and get packed."
The room emptied out quickly, but Pallas stayed for a moment, holding his cell phone in his hand.
Wolf came to stand beside him, his voice softened by their proximity. Maybe also the message.
"Something wrong, Pallas?"
Pallas bit into the inside of his cheek. "I've never had someone I had to... say goodbye to like this."
Wolf set a hand on his shoulder. "It's the problem that comes with the pleasure, I guess."
Pallas nodded. "I guess. I just don't like that I'm going to break a promise to her."
"Like her husband?"
Pallas swallowed down the knot in his throat. "Yeah, like that."
"She has to know that you're not like him."
"I think so."