Page 34 of Pallas & Kawehi

Wolf let out a breath. "We'll never know until it happens, won't we?"

The door to the training room opened and almost half of the team rushed in. Twinkie stopped short and groaned. "I thought we beat Pallas for once."

Chicago shook his head. "I told you that you were dreaming. You have to get an early start to beat Pallas anywhere."

Twinkie looked downright affronted. "It'll happen someday."

Jester laughed and almost covered it as a cough. "Dream on, Twinkie. Dream on."

Wolf gave them all a make-shift glare. "Take a seat while we're waiting for the others."

Hoss pointed at the door. "They're outside getting out of their cars."

Axl sank down into his chair and looked over at Pallas. "How are things with your girl?"

Jammer grinned at him as well. "When do we get to meet her, Pallas?"

Axl reached out and shoved Jammer, tipping his chair to the side. "Like he'd introduce you to his girl."

"She's a woman," Pallas interjected and shrugged. "I'm taking her to Bellows Beach on Monday."

"Smart man," Riptide gave him a shaka sign as he sat down. "Bathing suits are always good."

Axl shook his head. "I don't think Pallas cares what she looks like in her suit."

Riptide grinned. "I was saying Pallas probably wants to impress her with how he looks in a suit."

The rest of the team filed in, taking the leftover seats in the training room.

Wolf stood up and moved to the center of the room to point at the Smart Wall screen. "Okay, we have some dates to discuss and some training to schedule in."

Twinkie groaned softly, but everyone knew that it was his pitiful whine that they heard.

"There's also a festival coming up in a few months. It's a big carnival celebration with music and concerts here on the base. The public will be allowed in to attend. The event will create lots of local interest and give the military a chance to impress the locals with what we do. Static displays of military vehicles will be set up on one of the airstrips and base command will be looking for a bunch of eager volunteers-"

A few of the men groaned only to have Wolf nail them all with a look before he repeated.

"A bunch of eager volunteers." He leaned closer to the team and cupped a hand behind his ear.

"Yes, sir." Came the rousing chorus from the team.

"Glad that we cleared that up." Wolf smiled. "I don't want to hear that any of you can't show up because you have dates. The event will be Friday and Saturday on that weekend. There will be musical groups on both nights and a beer tent."


Wolf turned to look at Kid. "Son?"

Kid crossed his arms across his chest and looked at the room. "I'm twenty-three."

Jammer laughed out loud. "You still look like you're in high school, Kid."

POS predictably joined in the razzing. "Bring your ID. You know you're gonna get challenged, baby face."

Pallas clapped a hand down on POS's shoulder. "Leave him alone, man."

Kid gave Pallas a nod.

Arctic lifted his hand into the air. "Which groups are coming to play the concerts?"