She stiffened and drew away from him, but he didn’t move. He wanted to hear it from her.
“He’s an ass. That’s the answer. That’s what I’m sure you’re going to say. And maybe it started like that, but I’m not comfortable dancing in front of people.”
Pallas stepped closer and touched her arm with his hand. “I won’t take you out dancing if you don’t want to go, but I want to tell you that you were dancing in there and I liked how happy you were doing it.” He rubbed this thumb across her forearm, trying to soothe the anxiety that he’d helped to create. “You looked amazing in there and I want to see more.”
“You want to see me dance?” She bit into her bottom lip until he thought she might draw blood. “It’s not something I’m good at.”
“Well, I’m not good at it either, but I’d happily make myself look like a fool when you get comfortable enough to dance with me.”
“You’d never look like a fool.”
He shrugged. “Try me. I’ve done my share of stupid things in my life.”
“Well, let’s work up to dancing, okay?”
“Okay. But I still get to choose next.”
She gave him a look that said he would need to tread carefully.
“What about the beach?”
“What’s the problem with the beach?”
She looked like she wanted to disappear into the floor. “I’m one of those people who lives here but rarely goes swimming or spends time at the beach.” She hesitated when he didn’t say anything, and then she gave in. “Okay fine. I’ll go to the beach.”
“Great. I’ll come and pick you up next Monday and we’ll go to the beach.”
“Okay. You can pick me up.” She got out her phone and sent him a text message.
He saw the address that popped up and added it to his contacts. “I can’t wait to get you out into the sun.”
“That’s one of us.” She laughed. “I’m joking. I am!”
“You’re killing me, Kawehi.”
She reached out and put her hands on his shoulders and then down his arms. “I dunno. You look pretty alive to me.”
He reached out before he thought better of it and put his hands on her hips and stepped in closer.
He saw her eyes widen and wondered if he’d gone too far.
He shouldn’t have done it, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.
Pallas was dying to get beyond the walls that she had up, but he understood why she was worried.
She felt like she was still tied to her husband. And she was, but he’d skipped out on her and left her behind without ending their marriage. He was an ass, pure and simple. Pallas had a call in to a friend on base to see what could be done to help her.
If her husband was still in the Marines, then he could probably find out where he was stationed or find Kawehi some help on base as a military spouse.
And no, he wasn’t doing this just as a friend.
He wanted her to be able to move on… hopefully with him.
Pallas had intended to pull away then, but he couldn't quite get his hands to lift away from her hips. The quiet that settled around them was sweet, almost gentle, and a soft tropical wind blew down from the Koolau mountains, lifting a few strands of her hair where they had pulled loose around her face.