"Then you should go back to sleep."
"Hmm... I dunno. 'm not sure... I had a bad dream."
"A bad dream?" He had an idea what she was talking about. He knew he'd likely have nightmares about the scene at the edge of the bay. Seeing Nick holding a gun on her up to the moment he saw her cough up the water and come back around, it was all going to haunt him. "I've got you in my arms, 'Wehi. You don't have to have any bad dreams. I've got you."
"You've got me, huh?" She yawned again and snuggled closer to his side. "I think I've got you, too."
Her hand moved over his chest, warming his heart inside and out.
"I can see that you are a competitive woman at heart."
"Oh?" Her voice was softer and slower. "How so?"
"Well, I'm going to do everything I can to show you how much I love you."
Her eyes opened and he could see her gaze clearly for the first time all day.
It made him so very grateful for the miracle they'd experienced.
"I love you, too, Dom."
He closed his eyes for a long moment, soaking in the sound of her words.
When he opened his eyes again, she was still looking at him. "I love you so damn much." He felt his voice catch on the knot in his throat. "I was ready to kill him to make you safe." He felt her tense against him. "I didn't though. He's-"
"I don't need to know. I'm not sure I want to know. At least not right now."
He nodded. "Anything you want. Just say the word."
"You." She smiled at him, her eyelids dropping down slowly. "I want you, Dom. That's all I need."
He held her until he drifted off to sleep, exhausted.
Neither one of them had a nightmare that night.
It wasn't until the second half of their third day on Kauai that there was a hiccup between Pallas and Kawehi.
While Kawehi had been on the Big Island of Hawaii for a school trip and Maui for a family vacation, she'd never been to Kauai, so that's where they decided to go for their first trip together.
So far, they'd visited Waimea Canyon where Dom confirmed that it did indeed match its nickname of the Grand Canyon of the pacific. He couldn't believe how green and lush it was and she added a trip to Arizona to her list of places she was determined to visit in the future.
After a morning of visiting the Princeville Botanical Gardens and tasting locally made chocolates, Kawehi had been ready for the hike that he'd picked.
The hike across the lava fields was more fun than either of them had anticipated. The broken rocks and tumbled boulders made for a little awkward hopping and sliding from time to time.
Pallas didn't mind offering her a hand to hold onto, or the few times he physically lifted her down from awkward rock ledges. Those moments ended up with fun embraces and a kiss or two. He'd never realized how romantic a lava field could be until he'd found Kawehi.
The problem came when she saw the sign at the edge of the Queen's Bath.
Kawehi's feet were suddenly glued to the rocks and her body tensed up. "Nope."
He let out a breath. "I did mention doing a little swimming today so you can be more comfortable in the water."
"I thought you meant the pool at the hotel."