Page 103 of Pallas & Kawehi

Buck's exclamation turned his attention back and Kawehi lurched up, water bursting from her mouth.

Pallas and Maile reached for her hand at the same time.

When he felt Kawehi's hand on his arm, Pallas found himself weak with relief.

"Sir? We'll need to move her."

Pallas didn't turn to look at the EMT, he kept his gaze on Kawehi's face and saw the tears in her eyes, but he also saw the relief and love shining in them as well.

"I'd like to go with you."

The EMT shrugged. "We can take one person with her, but we need some space."

Pallas backed off and saw Maile rise up beside him.

He braced himself for a fight with Kawehi's cousin. She put her hand on his arm. "You go. She'll want to have you close."

Pallas looked at Maile and smiled, grateful for her understanding. "If they ask, they can take her to Castle Medical Center. It's the closest."

Axl stepped closer and put a hand on Pallas' shoulder. "I'll bring Maile with me."

Pallas was surprised to see Axl there. His friend gestured off to the side and Pallas watched the Military Police hauling Nick up onto his feet. The other Marine wasn't struggling or trying to get away. He looked... exhausted or defeated, Pallas couldn't tell which and he really didn't care.

If Kawehi wasn't being moved to a gurney for transport to an ambulance, he might want to lay the man out with a punch to his face or a well-placed boot to his dick. He'd make sure Nick got what was coming to him later, but until he was sure that Kawehi was going to be okay, he had his priorities in place.

"Sir, if you're coming-"

"I'm coming."

When they got Kawehi a room at Castle, Pallas went with her.

She tried to stay awake to comfort him, but he wouldn't hear of it.

He also didn't pay much attention when one of the ward nurses tried to get him to stay in the chair that was set beside the bed for him. He'd showered and changed into a set of borrowed scrubs, so he wasn't going to waste the opportunity to get his comfort and give it in return.

Pallas settled Kawehi against him and made sure that she was comfortable.

The nurses that came by either smiled at him and waved or glared at him and looked as if they wanted to shove his head in the bay.

The only person whose approval he wanted was asleep peacefully in his embrace.

Maile hadn't agreed to leave and was camped out in the waiting room, spread out and sleeping across a few chairs. Buck had passed on that bit of information before he went back to the base to fill Wolf in on the eventful night. That left Pallas to keep a watch over Kawehi and make sure that she got the best care possible.

He'd already heard back from Axl, who was also in the waiting room, that Wolf was going to approve some emergency leave so he could take care of Kawehi until she was ready to go home.

He loved his team and knew that they'd be in for visiting hours once they started in the morning.

His whole team loved Kawehi as much as he did, and he was good with that as long as they remembered that she was spoken for.


He looked down as Kawehi's eyelids fluttered and her hand moved higher on his chest. Pallas moved his hand against her back, trying to sooth her and himself.

"Mmmm... Dom?"

"Hey, gorgeous." He smiled at the way she murmured his name. He didn't think he'd be back much to his apartment on base unless she tried to chase him off. "You, okay?"

"Tired..." She yawned and tipped her head back to rest on his arm. "So tired..."