But a new sound started to rise above the ocean waves. Edward stopped and turned around slowly, following the sound. In the direction of the island, something shiny reflected off the sun and was slowly growing in size.

“Huh…I guess we’re not the only ones left on Earth,” Daniel murmured.

Edward loved the hint of disappointment in the other man’s voice, but he couldn’t think too much on it as he watched the other boat. His heart picked up its pace, and a knot of dread started to form in his stomach. It was probably just some other vacationers out on a joyride, enjoying the day. Nothing to worry about. Just drunk tourists.

But even as he thought the words, Edward found himself walking straight to the helm, wrapping his hand around the key to start the engine. Sure, they were headed straight toward them, but the tourists were probably just curious to see who else was out on the water. It was all friendly.

Edward’s instincts screamed to move, to run, to at least prepare some kind of defense.

The other boat wasn’t slowing down. It was barreling toward them. Straight toward them.

Edward turned the key, getting the engine to roar back to life.

“Daniel, get down!” he shouted.


Edward wasn’t sure if he said more. Daniel’s voice was drowned out by the scream of the engine as he threw it into gear. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Daniel get tossed forward, but he caught himself on the bench seat before he could topple out of the boat. Edward didn’t have time to babysit Daniel. The man was a fucking trained spy. He could handle himself, even if he was still in character.

Turning away from the approaching craft, Edward raced out, away from Bermuda and its atolls. Once they got some distance, he’d swing back toward the safety of the island. He knew he’d feel better when they were away from the other boat. He was being paranoid. That was all it was.

Daniel worked his way back to the seat next to Edward, who was standing behind the wheel, his fingers holding it tight in a death grip. “What’s going on?” Daniel shouted over the wind and motor.

“I don’t trust them.”

“Why? Who are they?”

“I think they might be pirates.”

Daniel laughed and Edward didn’t miss how forced it sounded above the roar of rushing water and growling engine. “Pirates? You’re joking.”


Okay, pirates weren’t his first thought. He was pretty sure they were Daniel’s information buyers, and he was not allowing the two sides to meet just yet. Not when he was at a distinct disadvantage. Out on the open waters with only two guns and a limited supply of ammunition, he was going to end up at the bottom of the fucking ocean.

“Pirates? Here? Pirates? In the Caribbean?”

“This isn’t some fucking ride at Disney,” Edward snarled. Daniel was making him sound crazy, but his instincts were screaming that these people meant them harm, and he wasn’t waiting around to find out if he was right.

“I’m sorry.” Daniel’s soft words were nearly carried away by the wind.

Edward felt a pang of guilt at snapping at him, but it raised another strange query in his brain. Why wasn’t Daniel telling him to stop if these were his buyers? Or at least making up some excuse as to why they should wait to see what the other boat wanted?

Looking over his shoulder, Edward could easily see the reason. The other boat was quickly gaining on them. The sleek black boat had more horsepower and was already at top speed while he’d had to start from a dead stop. The thing practically flying above the waves as it closed in on them. There was no way they were going to be able to outrun the other boat. Daniel had nothing to worry about. Fuck.

Edward turned the wheel, cutting back toward land. He wasn’t sure they’d be able to get to Bermuda before the other boat reached them, but it was the only option he could see.

The other boat shifted direction to cut them off, blocking their escape. Edward clenched his teeth as he desperately wracked his brain for a solution. What the hell was he going to do? Daniel couldn’t be allowed anywhere near these assholes. Not yet.

As the other boat neared, gunshots rang out. A series of bullets thunked along the side of their boat and pinged off metal. Daniel shouted and ducked down. Edward looked over at his companion to see wide-eyed horror and shock staring back at him. Was he surprised to find his new business partners shooting at him? Something felt wrong.

That damn feeling had been building since they met up for dinner the night before. Little things pricked at his brain and unsettled him, but he ignored it all. He knew the mission specs forward and backward. He told himself the unease was linked to the fact that he was hunting down an American like a fucking assassin. But it was more than that. That unease was crashing around him as he stared at the fear filling Daniel’s innocent green eyes.