“Then let’s look.” Edward kissed him.Daniel couldn’t believe he’d taken someone’s life. He felt disconnected from what he assumed would be a heavy punch to the gut at some point. He didn’t know if it was because they’d been running for their lives and were still in danger or what, but all he felt right then was relief that the man hadn’t shot Edward.

Later, it would probably hit him—that someone was dead because of him. For now, it was just gratitude and relief.

“We’ve got a bigger problem than even I suspected,” Edward said as he hunched over the laptop. He’d stripped out of the clothes he’d worn to the bank and was sitting cross-legged on the bed, in only his boxers. Edward looked up at him. “Kevin Jones not only had a list of operatives, but it looks like military plans—something he should never have had access to.”

“How? How would he get those?”

“Someone else is involved. He’s got a partner we didn’t know about.” He cursed and tapped the keys some more. “I’ve got to call my handler now.”

Daniel bit his lip and decided it was time to tell Edward about his call home. “I’ve…uh…had someone doing a search for me, too.”

Edward looked up at him and frowned. “Who?”

“Quinn Lake. He’s a hac—computer genius where I work. I wanted someone to know where I was so they could inform my family if something happened, but I also asked him to do a search on the dead agent’s passport number.”

He expected anger so when Edward laughed, surprise filled him.

“Oh, I bet he stumbled into all kinds of shit.”

“Let’s give him a call and see.”

Edward nodded. “Please do. I’m curious to find out what he learned.”

Daniel walked to where he’d plugged in his phone and quickly pulled up Quinn’s number.

“Daniel, what the hell?” Quinn answered on the first ring. Daniel put the phone on speaker. “It’s been almost three days since I last heard from you. Are you okay?”

He smiled at Quinn’s harried tone. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m safe. We’re in Paris now.”

“Oh, my fucking God! When you finally get back to the office, I’m tying you to a chair and forcing you to tell me everything. Everything.”

“We’ll see,” Daniel hedged and Edward chuckled.

“Hey! Am I on speakerphone? Was that the hottie model super spy?”

Edward lifted one questioning eyebrow, and Daniel could feel his face flush. Quinn was not one to censor his comments—not that anyone at Ward Security really seemed to—making the speakerphone a dangerous proposition. God only knew what Edward was going to hear.

“Hold on while I get Rowe. My search did what I thought. Red flags went up all over the place. Enough to have our employers contacted.”

“Oh shit,” Daniel breathed. “I bet Rowe is pissed as all get out. Wait a minute! Isn’t it Sunday? Are you at the office?”

“Yeah, we’ve been waiting for you to call. Just a sec.” There was a clattering noise as Quinn must have left his office. Daniel briefly heard noises that had to come from the mats downstairs before he heard Quinn tell Rowe he was on the phone.

“Daniel, what the hell have you gotten yourself involved in?” Rowe barked over the line. “A fucking general contacted us about that search you had Quinn do.”

“What did he say?”

“Wouldn’t say jack shit that was useful. Demanded to know what we were looking for. I bet we have all kinds of eyes on us right now. Just what are you involved in?”

“Mr. Ward,” Edward said, his voice full of authority as he got up and walked closer to the phone. “This is Edward Raines. I’m the CIA agent who got Daniel involved in this. Did you guys find anything regarding Kevin Jones?”

“Not a thing. And trust me, Quinn’s good. If there was something, he would have found it. All we found are apparently lures to reel in your guys. We’ve got a goddamn general contacting us and demanding to know what we know. Which is nothing. Daniel, are you okay?”

His heart warmed at the real concern in his employer’s voice. “I’m fine. Having one hell of an adventure. I’m sorry I won’t be back in the office on Monday.”

Rowe snorted and Daniel could imagine him scrubbing one hand through his red hair, leaving it standing up. “I’d say you have quite the excuse. Are you done there now?”

“He’s not,” Edward answered. “You guys don’t need to do any more searching. We’ve got this covered.”

“As long as you have our Daniel covered,” Rowe replied.

“I’ve got him perfectly covered.” Edward winked at Daniel.

There was a low chuckle on the other end of the phone. “Even I heard that innuendo. Daniel, I need to know that you’re okay. Say the word, and I can have half of Ward Security on the ground in Paris in less than twelve hours.”