“There’s nothing like ‘holy shit we almost died’ sex.”

“What?” Edward choked on a laugh.

“You know exactly what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do.” Edward pulled him closer and pressed his lips to his shoulder.

Daniel turned and stared at him and Edward stared right back. After a couple of moments, Daniel’s stomach started feeling funny, so he looked away. Lips touched his shoulder again, then his neck and jaw. He couldn’t believe he’d had sex with the man again, but that crazy chase through the mountains had warped his brain and riled him up. And Edward had been so damn hot taking those curves with skilled precision.

Apparently Daniel had a thing for the James Bond type, because all he could think about on the last part of the trip to this hotel was getting Edward into his body. But now, with the man cuddling him and kissing him…he remembered why this was a bad idea.

Especially because right then, his heart was getting into the picture.

Daniel pushed out of Edward’s arms and got up. Grabbing his clothes, he walked toward the bathroom. He stopped at the door and looked back to find Edward watching him quietly from the bed. “By the way, that didn’t change anything. I still don’t trust you.”Chapter NineWhen he came out of the bathroom, Edward was taking his phone outside to the tiny balcony. The agent had pulled on the pants he’d been wearing earlier but didn’t bother with a shirt. A part of Daniel hoped that Edward was getting him cleared to fly home tomorrow. But there was another part that he was desperately trying to ignore…a part that wanted to stay in France a little while longer with Edward.

Stifling the warring voices in his head, Daniel quickly grabbed his phone and stepped back into the bathroom to call Quinn. It was one in the morning in France, which made it seven o’clock at night in Cincinnati. Quinn would likely be home, probably snuggled up with his boyfriend, the private eye.

Quinn was a genius on the computer, and if anyone could help Daniel, it would be him. Not that Daniel expected he could help much, but he still wanted someone to know what was going on with him—where he was. Today’s scary trip through the mountains had made him realize he could just disappear here in a foreign country, and nobody would ever know what happened to him.

God, that had been terrifying. He still felt bad about the guys chasing them going off the road, and he knew he shouldn’t. They’d been trying to kill him. But he also wasn’t used to life lived on the edge like this either. He was used to his apartment and his job, used to dealing with numbers.

“Quinn here,” he answered on the third ring. His voice sounded slightly distracted, as if he hadn’t looked at the caller ID before answering.

“Hey, it’s Daniel.” He glanced around at the small bathroom done in white and beige before leaning against the counter. He quickly moved away from it when a slight shaft of pain reminded him of what he’d just done. He looked into the mirror at his flushed cheeks and thought about how hot the sex had been. At least that part of his insane trip had been fun.

Fun, hell. The sex between them was explosive. It was also messing with his head. He thought about the way Edward had been looking at him in that bed and again, his stomach did that funny flip-flop.

“Daniel! What the hell, man! Bermuda and now Barcelona. And who the hell is that hot stud you sent me pictures of? I showed them to Dom and Royce. They’re both arguing over how long before you call Rowe to tell him you’re not coming home, but decided to travel around Europe with your sexy supermodel boyfriend.”

Daniel rubbed his eyes and sighed, instantly overwhelmed by the torrent of words rushing out of Quinn. “That’s why I’m calling. You won’t believe what’s happened to me since I left. I’m actually in France now.” He fiddled with a towel, knocked it off its shelf, and stuffed it back in.

“Say what? Did you go to Barcelona?”

“Yes, and it was spectacular. The food was to die for.” The memory actually brought a small smile to his mouth. Edward had seen to it that he’d been well fed in Barcelona. The only disappointment was not trying anything at La Plassohla, but that couldn’t be helped.

“What the hell are you doing in France? And where in France are you exactly?”

There was some kind of cheer in the background before the noise was quickly cut off, which meant Quinn was actually still at the office and had probably shut his door. Daniel suddenly missed work more than he’d thought possible. More than likely that cheer had been from some contest on the exercise mats downstairs. Though it was after hours, the security team was always daring each other and often stayed after work for fun challenges.