As if Edward could read his thoughts, a man with long black hair and black-rimmed glasses stood up at the back of the restaurant waving around in one hand what looked to be a napkin that had been set on fire. In the other, he held a gun. He was shouting in another language, and Daniel couldn’t even begin to guess what he was saying. The guy could have been placing his order while putting on a show for everyone to see. Daniel didn’t stick around to find out.

Placing both hands on the edge of the table, he gave it a hard shove, pushing it against the smaller Mrs. Han. The woman let out a scream as she unexpectedly tilted backward in her chair. Her arms waved in the air as she tried to reestablish her balance, her gun still in her right hand. Daniel gave her shoulder an additional shove as he ran past her and down the narrow walkway to the short flight of stairs leading to the entrance.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a clear shot to the door. Other customers had leaped to their feet. A cacophony of screams and shouts filled the restaurant along with the pounding of hard-soled shoes on the wood floor. A gunshot rang out above the noise, and more people started stampeding for the exit. Daniel didn’t turn to see who was doing the shooting. He just kept running for the door.

It took nearly a minute, but he breathed deep the warm summer air as he stepped outside at last. Guilt sang through him and he nearly turned back to the restaurant. How was Edward going to get out of there? Mrs. Han was still in there, and so were any partners she brought along. And where the hell did Edward get that wig?

But he was unarmed and definitely not trained to handle a bunch of international spies. If he went back in, he would not only endanger his life but Edward’s as well, since Daniel was sure he’d need rescuing. Swallowing hard, he turned and headed down the street as quickly as possible just as they’d discussed.

Night clutched the city tight. Streetlamps and the regular chatter of other pedestrians out for a nice evening helped to keep his fears at bay, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being followed. No matter how many times he looked over his shoulder, he never spotted anyone that looked as if they didn’t belong there. Had he really escaped with no problem? He didn’t believe it.

So, he briskly walked block after block. He went left and then right. He traveled blocks out of his way, passing the garage completely only to slowly circle around. Daniel was exhausted and footsore when he finally convinced himself to head up to the top floor of the garage where the rental car was parked. Sweat made his shirt stick uncomfortably to his frame, and his hair felt a mess from all the times he’d run his fingers through it.

But none of it mattered. His heart sank to find that Edward was not at the car waiting for him. He knew he’d spent an extra thirty to forty minutes walking around the city. That had to have been plenty of time for Edward to escape the restaurant and get to the car.

Unless he never got out of the restaurant.

Or they caught him on his way to the garage.

Daniel stood in front of the car’s grill, chewing on his bottom lip while indecision attempted to swallow him whole. The plan they had discussed was for Daniel to get in the damn car and drive it straight to Toulouse regardless of whether Edward was waiting for him at the meeting spot or not.

But he couldn’t leave.

The man might drive him insane, but Edward saved his life when they were being chased on the boat and again in the warehouse. He knew without a doubt that Edward saved his life in that restaurant. He wasn’t fucking leaving him behind. They were going to Toulouse together.

Cursing the new surge of fear and determination that sent his heart racing, Daniel spun on his heel and marched toward the door that led to the garage stairs. When he was less than a hundred yards away, the door swung open and Edward strode through, both the wig and glasses now gone.

Without thinking, Daniel launched himself at Edward, wrapping his arms tightly around his chest as Edward stumbled back a step to keep his balance. His companion was sweaty and smelled of lighter fluid and wine, but he felt whole in his arms.

“Oof!” Edward gasped. “Hey, there.”

“Where were you? You scared the shit out of me!” Daniel shouted. He didn’t give Edward a chance to answer his question—he pulled his face down for a rough, possessive kiss that had Edward tightening his arms around Daniel. Yes…he was safe. He felt safe in Edward’s arms, and Daniel would keep Edward safe, too. He’d find a way.