It was only after Edward drifted off to sleep in the wide, leather chair next to him that Daniel typed out a quick message to Quinn, telling him that there had been a change of plans and he was now going to Barcelona. If something happened to him, he didn’t want his family or friends to think he’d disappeared off the face of the earth in the Bermuda Triangle.

Quinn instantly responded, peppering him with questions. And Daniel had no clue what he should say. He definitely didn’t want to tell him that he’d gotten dragged into some CIA mission to save the world. True or not, it sounded way too over-the-top.

With a wicked grin, Daniel had shifted in his seat and silently snapped a picture of Edward asleep in his chair. His normally harsh features had softened in his sleep, making his lips look so damn soft and enticing. He shot the picture off to Quinn with no additional explanation.

No, he had zero intention of touching Edward or letting the man touch him again, but the insinuation would keep Quinn from asking too many questions for at least a little while. That would buy him some time until he could come up with a better story to tell.

For now, he was going to take each moment as it came and enjoy the new experiences. He was in freaking Barcelona. A place that he’d been sure he’d never have the chance to visit. Who cared about the real reason for his visit? He just had to appear at a meeting and let Edward shoot some pictures. That was still two days away.

The balcony held a small table for two, a cream-colored chaise lounge chair, and massive plants that gave it privacy. Daniel closed his eyes and basked in the warmth on his face. Any other time, this would be a dream of a vacation, and he would have been thrilled to stay in a place like this. There was just one serious drawback to this unexpected plan.

He was in Barcelona with a liar. A man who’d likely contemplated killing him. And there was still a little niggling voice in Daniel’s head wondering if Edward would try to kill him when this was all over, so he wouldn’t spread any information about what had really happened in Bermuda.

Sighing at his dark thoughts, Daniel walked back inside the room and stopped at the one king-sized bed. His lip curled. “This isn’t happening.”

Edward looked up from where he’d been in the process of taking the clothes out of his bag and hanging them neatly in the closet. “What’s not happening?”

He pointed at the white-and-taupe comforter. “Us, sharing that bed.”

“I don’t see the problem. It’s a big bed.”

“I repeat. It’s not happening.”

Edward walked up to Daniel and touched his arm. “I can’t think of one reason why we can’t make use of the time we have here together. We’re obviously compatible sexually, and I had a great time with you the other night. Why not have some fun while we’re here?”

Daniel’s mouth dropped open and hung there for a second in pure shock. Was he freaking kidding? Was he really so apathetic about who he slept with and what had nearly happened?

“Because what happened the other night was a lie!” Daniel snapped when he could find his voice again. “It was you luring me in to get into my room to search it. You luring me in to find out what secrets I was supposedly selling. You planning to…I don’t know…kill me!” Daniel picked up his suitcase and threw it onto the bed, his anger still white-hot. “Why the fuck would I want to have sex with you again? None of what we had the other night was real.”

“Because it was fun?”

“Yeah, no thanks.”

Edward frowned. “I was after someone who was betraying our country, someone who was planning to put a lot of good people at risk. I have no plans to kill you, Daniel. But I did get you involved in this, and you’re doing a lot by coming here to do this for me. I appreciate it. If you don’t want to pass some of the time exploring the insane chemistry between us, that’s fine. But I was just doing my job, though—”

“Exactly,” Daniel broke in as he opened his suitcase.

“You didn’t let me finish what I was saying. The sex wasn’t a part of my job.”

Daniel paused with a shirt in his hand. “Oh, that’s some bullshit right there. You’re trying to tell me that you didn’t seduce me on purpose?”

“No.” Edward paused and gave him a sheepish half smile. “I did. It just turned into something else when we actually got together.” Edward’s voice dropped an octave. “It was fantastic.”

“I don’t believe a word coming out of your mouth. How could I?” Daniel pointed at the long couch next to the balcony. “That’s yours.”