Edward continued his search until he came up with keys to either a car or the boat they’d ridden on.

“You’re coming with me,” Edward announced. There was a no-nonsense hardness to his voice that Daniel had never heard before that immediately rubbed him the wrong way. While he appreciated Edward saving his life, he was not going to be ordered around by this man.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” He crossed his arms over his chest. A new shock of pain screamed through his arms, but it was less than it had been moments ago.

Edward glared at him for a second and then sighed. “Look, I just want to keep you safe.”

“Oh, cut the bullshit. Something is going on, and you know what it is. I demand to know who these guys are and what they wanted with you.”

Edward marched over and roughly grabbed Daniel’s arm. “Considering that your doppelganger is lying dead on the floor, maybe you should ponder that these men were after you.”

“What?” Daniel gasped in horror.

Edward started to pull him back toward the boat, and Daniel didn’t fight him. He didn’t want to stay in the warehouse to be found by the cops surrounded by dead bodies. He wasn’t overly keen on the idea of sticking with Edward either. But what he said didn’t make any sense. “Why would anyone be after me? I’m no one.”

“I’m beginning to realize that,” Edward grumbled.

The man’s words hurt, even if Daniel had said them just a second earlier. Apparently the fun they’d had was just that…sex and nothing more. Not that they could have more. But he really didn’t like hearing that Edward thought he was no one.

What did he expect when he ran off to hide while Edward did brave and heroic things like take on six armed men? His coworkers at Ward Security definitely would have found a way to get free and help Edward. He was just an accountant.

But that didn’t mean he would follow along blindly. Edward had dragged him into something big. Daniel could feel it. And he was going to get answers from the man—one way or another.Chapter FourThis mission was all fucked up.

First, Daniel turned out to not be the agent Edward was assigned to kill and now, the real agent was dead. He couldn’t let Daniel out of his sight—the man was in real danger since he’d already been confused for the rogue spy once.

“Do you know who those men were?” Daniel asked.

“Not specifically.” Which was sort of true. He didn’t know who they were, but he had some good guesses rattling around in his head.

“And you think they were really after Kevin Jones?”

“Yes.” He looked back over his shoulder to find that Daniel was now standing in the middle of the docks, a cloud of confusion settling on his handsome face. But it was slowly clearing, and the results were not going to be good.

“And we were grabbed because I look like Kevin Jones.”


Those lovely green eyes narrowed on Edward, and his jaw hardened as if he were clenching his teeth. “I don’t believe this shit,” Daniel growled. He charged toward Edward and got right up in his face. A small part of him wanted to smile because he knew Daniel was standing on the tips of his toes to get as close as he was. “This whole time, you thought I was that other dead guy? You sat down next to me on the beach, chatted me up, all because you thought I was someone else. Did you fuck me because you thought I was Jones?”

Anger hit Edward’s gut hard. “As you just pointed out, you two could be twins, so it was an easy mistake to make.” Placing his hands on Daniel’s shoulders, he gave him a little push backward, putting some much-needed space between them. “Look, you’re going to have to stick with me while I figure out our next move.”

“You mean your next move.” Daniel spun around and started to head down the dock. He waved one hand in the air as he continued to shout at Edward over his shoulder. “I’m out of here. I’m not sticking around here for the cops to find me and throw me into jail for something I had nothing to do with. You’re fucking crazy if you think I’m hanging with you any longer.”

Edward rolled his eyes and growled. He did not have time for this bullshit. Daniel was right in that they needed to get out of there before the cops stumbled upon them, but he was not letting Daniel from his sight until everything was cleared up.

Jogging after him, Edward grabbed Daniel’s arm and jerked him around. “You will stick with me. You think these guys were just playing around? You’re in danger now whether you like it or not, and I’m the best person to keep you safe.”