Page 32 of April 5

"Yeah." She turned to him. "What are you thinking?"

"He must be nearby."

She looked at his chest. He'd put on his vest.

"Do you want to stay in the van or my room?"

She startled at the question. He couldn't have shocked her more.

"But what about my dad?"

"He can do what he wants." He massaged the back of her neck. "As of right now, I'm still the president of Havlin. I'm calling a meeting and letting them know what I've done. They can decide to replace me immediately or wait until Ruger shows up, states his grievances before the club, and settles on a punishment. Either way, there's no reason to hide, Kat."

"Until my dad comes back and hurts you," she mumbled.

"He'll come back, but the truth is out. No more hiding." He kissed her temple. "Think you can handle whatever comes our way?"

She studied him. He was taking the threat to his life better than she was. She hoped his club would support him against her dad's accusations.

"I never want to leave you."

He kissed her and smiled against her lips. "Then, let's get you settled in my room."

Her stomach fluttered. Tomorrow was uncertain. But she trusted Jagger.

Chapter Fourteen

WITH KATRINA TUCKED safely in the bedroom, Jagger sat at the head of the table in the clubhouse after explaining the long history and involvement with Ruger's daughter to his men. The reactions were a mix of disappointment, anger, interest, and disinterest.

He ignored the emotions around the table. He needed to stay focused on running his club until they voted him out of his seat. The only person he'd hand his life to was Ruger. But he wasn't going to remove his patch or quit his club.

It was how his dad had ruled over Havlin all those years ago and the way he wanted to run his club. These men meant everything to him. The bylaws ruled their lives. There was no need to change anything.

He'd put his life on the line more times than he could count to ensure every member had his support. Every family was safe. Every man belonged.

"As I've broken the bylaws, Ruger has the right to inform the mother chapter and name the punishment. I stand before the club, admitting my crime and not stopping Ruger from taking what he wants from me. As is protocol, the Seaglass Cove Chapter of Havlin now must vote if they want me to step down or retain my seat at the table." He met Bane's gaze. "I'll turn the meeting over to the vice president from here on out to carry the vote."

He stood from the table and walked out the door. Before he could take two steps, Camhead stopped him.

"Sorry, Prez. Bane wants me to watch you." Camhead ducked his head. "He needs you to stay on the property."

"I'm not going anywhere." He pulled out a cigarette, leaned against the building, and lit his smoke.

He held out his pack to Camhead, who turned down the offer. Exhaling into the sky, he noted dark clouds in the distance. There was a storm coming in off the ocean.

"Looks like the rains will be here before tonight." He pointed to the sky.

"I tipped all the caps that were left out, just in case." Camhead dug his heel into the gravel. "I sure get tired of the rain."

Inside, the men were voting on his life. Without the club, he had nothing.

"What do you want out of your life, son?" he asked.

Camhead was only twenty-one years old. A kid compared to him. Some would say Katrina was too young for him at twenty-four, but she was raised within the club. There was a big difference between a club kid and someone trying to find a home.

"I'd like to ride for Havlin, sir." He met Jagger's gaze. "I worked real hard to get my Harley."

"I see that."