Priest rolled the end of the joint between his thumb and finger. Curley understood what Faye was going through because he was right there with her every step of the way. They couldn't be around each other without wanting more.
He rubbed his hands over his face. "I need to get home."
"Yeah, Nicole's sleeping. I'm going to hit the sack." Priest stepped toward the sliding door and paused. "You could just make sure Kingston Bar fires her and try to keep one step ahead of Faye as she hunts for a new job."
"I already did that when she got hired at Riverside Bar and look where she ended up."
"Then, create a job for her," said Priest.
His spine stiffened. "What do you mean?"
"Put her to work and control what happens. Hell, run a bar. Missoula can never have too many."
He scoffed. Being vice president took up the majority of his time. When would he have time to start a business?
As soon as he stomped out the idea, he gave it another thought. Faye would be with him every day if he could create a job for her. He could make sure her clothes weren't coming off. She'd be safe. He could keep other men away from her.
"Is Tarkio interested in running a bar?" He tilted his head. "Is that why you brought it up?"
Priest shrugged. "The club could foot the rent if you can find a building."
"There are enough members that need a job," he said aloud, thinking more on the idea.
"It'd be your baby. We're cooling down on running to California so often, and that frees up some of our time. You could make it work. Give it a year, and if it's profitable, and you want out, sell it or let the members keep it open." Priest slid open the door. "Whatever you do, it's your initial investment. If you want to throw your money away to keep your woman, you have to ask yourself if she's worth it."
He followed his president inside. Priest always had a plan worked out ahead of time. It was one of the reasons why he came and sought him out tonight. He needed someone who could think with a clear head and not be emotionally invested in Faye.
Priest slapped him on the shoulder. "See you tomorrow."
"Yep." He walked out the front door to the driveway.
There was an empty warehouse a half a mile from the clubhouse, heading toward the airport. The road received a lot of traffic. The exposure was good.
But did he really want Faye working in a bar, regardless if she kept her clothes on?
Her love was wrapped up in growing plants and beautifying everyone else's life but her own. She wanted the independence and joy of running the nursery.
And she needed the extra money from a second job to reach that goal.
Yeah, she was worth the investment.