Chapter 16
THE NEON LIGHTS OUTSIDEof Blackfoot Casino Resort lit up the crowded parking lot. Priest joined Curley and Roddy at the front doors and walked in with them. He wasn't surprised to find the car belonging to Hamilton here, and Paco alerting him to Nicole showing up.
He'd received a call from Razor earlier, letting him know it appeared as if a car was following Nicole home from work. By the time he got Curley and Roddy to the clubhouse for a meeting and set up a plan, Razor had called again and told him Nicole was leaving the motel, and it looked like she was heading over to the casino in a cab.
"Jesus," he mumbled at the sight of the crowd inside the building.
Every table was full. People stood at the slot machines and clustered around the dealers. Catching the eye of a security guard—a beefy man with a cell phone attached to his ear, Priest turned to walk along the side of the room.
Though there was no dress code at the casino, three bikers strolling in on a Saturday night would gain the attention of the establishment.
"I'm not seeing her." Curley stopped and looked behind them.
Knowing how much Nicole liked to dance, he smacked Curley on the arm. "Come on."
Leading the other two Tarkio members to the back of the building, following the music, he stopped in front of an open doorway, leading into the entertainment area. The place was packed.
A large security guard stepped into his path. "Stamp?"
Roddy closed in, talking privately with the guard. Priest paid no attention. Trying to see inside the darkened room, he couldn't make out anyone past the group standing ten feet in and swaying to the music.
Curley nudged him. He looked at the guard, who'd moved back to the wall.
"We've got fifteen minutes. Let's move." Curley leaned in front of Priest and slapped Roddy's shoulder. "Stick to the right side of the room. I'll take the left. Meet us outside with or without Nicole in fifteen minutes."
The casino charged a cover fee for the band while the rest of the place, he was free to come and go as he wanted. Priest strode forward. He'd find her if she were still here.
Underneath his boots, the floor vibrated from the music plumbed through the room. He dodged the dancing bodies. The aroma of sweating bodies and alcohol hung heavily in the room.
At a disadvantage, he had no idea what color shirt to look for or what Nicole's plans were for the night. It irritated him that she was here. Regardless if Jones and Hamilton were here or not, he'd still want to know what she was doing.
If he found a man with her, he was going to kill him.
She'd refused to have breakfast with him last time they were together, yet would come to the casino. That was bullshit.
She belonged to him.
Stopping in the middle of the room, he pivoted, scanning the crowd. He tuned out the music, straining to hear the soothing sound of Nicole's laughter, but there were too many people. Too much noise. Too much movement.
Dark curls bounced in the light reflected off the stage. He craned his neck, catching sight of Nicole.
He couldn't see who she was dancing with, only her head bobbing to the music, her bare arms raised above her head. But it was her.
Making his way to her, he checked out those around her. There were other couples and another single woman.
He approached her from behind, putting his hands on her hips. She never missed stopped moving, only turned, swaying her body every inch of the way.
Her gaze met his, and a smile lit her face. Leaning close to him, she yelled, "What are you doing here?"
She looped her arms around his neck, moving her body against his. He held onto her hips tighter, afraid she'd dance away from him.
"Come with me. We need to talk," he said.
She nodded. He pulled her toward the entrance.