Chapter 8
NICOLE WALKED NAKEDout of the bathroom. Priest slipped his pistol into the pocket of his Tarkio Motorcycle Club vest. The hell if she hadn't jumped right on him, the second she sensed him waking up.
He thought after last night, he might've pushed her too fast. His urge to take her harder, deeper waged war inside him. He'd almost lost control.
But this morning was for her. She was greedy for more, and he took the time to make sure he put a smile on her face.
The doorbell rang, followed by three knocks.
Nicole frowned. "Are you leaving?"
"Just dressed for the day." He walked over to her, hooked her waist, and slapped her ass, making her jump. "Unless I'm needed, I'll stay home until this evening. I'll go find out why my men are here."
She kissed him. "I'll fix us something to eat while you talk to them."
He strolled out of the room and opened the front door.
Curley, Razor, and Paco walked inside. He followed them into the living room.
"What's up?" He grabbed an ashtray off the end table and slid it onto the coffee table, grabbing his pack of smokes and lighting a cigarette.
"We finished taking the load over to Steel Mechanics. I've put Frank, Rick, Razor, and Wyatt on the crew. Roddy will lead them. I'll be the end man for the ride. Jerry and Aaron will bring the truck to the garage. We measured it out. We should be able to back the trailer into one of the bays and have everything loaded within forty minutes or so of hitting the road." Curley lit a smoke and squatted near the coffee table.
Priest exhaled. "You'll be right in the middle of the damn neighborhood. I don't like having all those eyes on what is going on, especially with Nelson in prison. The place has been quiet lately since we stopped renting the upstairs of the garage out.
"Not much we can do about that now." Razor sat on the back of the couch. "I talked to that know the one that hung all over Nelson before he was incarcerated. She's working at Riverside Bar now, all grown up. Looking fucking fine, I'll add."
"Get to the point," interrupted Priest.
Razor adjusted his bandana on his head. "She was talking to another chick that works at the bar about a rummage sale at the Odd Fellows Hall. Apparently, everyone in the neighborhood is donating crap to help raise funds for another neighbor who lost her husband in a car crash recently when he was traveling for business. It sounds like most of the people in the area will be across town, running the sale on Saturday morning."
"Good," he muttered.
"Jerry mentioned that Tracy made a stack of phony invoices for the majority of the load. That'll blind the cops in Missoula, but we'll have to be careful once we get on the interstate. The staters are already profiling every fucking biker that travels." Curley straightened. "There will be more traffic, and we'll have to go out of our way if there are any speed traps, seeing how it's a weekend, and the weather will be nice."
"Send two of the prospects out ahead of you. Let them get an hour lead and have them chart your course. Tell them to stop at any payphone along the way and let you know if they spot any trouble." Priest walked across the room and looked out the window. "Grab a cell phone from the clubhouse. Make sure one of you knows how to use it. Think up some codewords. We don't want the call traced."
"A few more years, I bet we'll all be carrying cell phones," said Paco.
"I don't." Razor sniffed. "They're too damn expensive."
There was always a risk transporting hot parts across the state, but not as big as their meeting with Lagsturns coming up.
"Fucking hell." Razor whistled softly, moving away from Priest. "I'll catch up with you guys later."
Priest looked over his shoulder in time to find Razor swooping in on Nicole, wrapping his arms around her, and swinging her back for a kiss.
"Let go of her." Priest turned around, taking in every inch of Nicole's naked body.
"But, Prez." Razor's face was inches from Nicole's lips. "I never got to fuck around last night at the club—"
"She's not one of the women." Priest stayed on the other side of the room.
Nicole stared between him and Razor, unaware of what her naked body was doing to every man in the room, including him. The fact that Razor's dirty hands were holding her failed to shock her, going by the amusement in her eyes.