Page 49 of Elling & Jackie

"Seattle. Portland. I've grown up, I guess I could say, with the men here. I want to stay with them." He shrugged. "Slag is now my family."

She swallowed through the tightness of her throat. He'd had a hard life. She couldn't imagine losing Chief and then her mom. Her brothers had always been father-figures to her and Stassi because of the age difference. Losing any of them would destroy her. She understood the meaning of family and what Slag meant to him.

His gaze had softened talking about staying with Slag. She lowered her legs and leaned her head against the back of the couch. The things he'd shared should've been spoken about before they ended up having sex.

Because they weren't, she was equally at fault. Maybe even more so, since she had run to his room to warn him about the Federal Agent and she'd done that wearing only her rob, knowing they were attracted to each other. Maybe even hoping something would happen if she were honest with herself.

"Should I expect your family to come after me for fucking you?" A muscle in his cheek, above his beard, twitched. "Or, are you your own woman?"

"I make my own choices, but with that family would come after you and your club if they knew."

"You haven't told them," he stated, looking her in the eyes.

She should've phrased her answer differently. Now he believed she had something to hide by not telling them yet.

He stood. "Thanks for talking with me."

Following him to the door, she wanted to ask him to wait. She needed to know why he had sex with her, even knowing she belonged to Brikken.

"Elling?" She put her hand on his arm, stopping him from leaving the room.

He faced her fully, and she couldn't help noticing how beautiful his eyes were in the light. Hypnotizing, really.

She moistened her lips, her mouth going dry. "That night, I came to you..."

"Ja?" His gaze softened even more.

"I came to tell you a Federal Agent is staying on this floor." She blinked an extra second. "It goes against hotel policy to give out information on the guests, and I'd appreciate you keeping that detail to yourself. But,..."


"I think you already knew that, since you asked for a room by his," she said.

"Why would you risk your job to tell me that?"

Because he'd been truthful to her about his past when she'd caught him smoking in his room. Because he reminded her of people that accepted her. Because she just had a feeling like she wanted to, whether it was the right thing to do or the wrong thing.

"Because I would hope someone would help my family in the same way if they found themselves in the same kind of situation," she said.

After several seconds, he leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. When she thought he was going to take it deeper, he pulled back and kissed her on the forehead as he straightened.

She leaned toward him, and he slipped out the door, shutting it quietly behind him. Bracing her hand on the knob, she sagged, trying to slow her racing heart. Her whole body vibrated from the kiss and the realization that he'd confirmed her suspicions.

Elling had come to the hotel for Agent Campbell, not her.

He didn't have to tell her. She knew. And, she should've realized that the first night.