Page 57 of Brage & Dinah

Chapter 22

Tyr's impatient noisesgrew louder. Dinah walked around the car seat on the floor behind the bar. After several days of Peer bringing the baby to work, she found it hard to take his cries seriously because they were adorable.

Everything about Tyr fascinated her. The way he gnawed on his little fist when hungry. The way his cheeks reddened when he pooped. The way his lips puckered when he slept.

"Someone's getting hungry." She watched Tyr as she set two empty pitchers on a tray.

"I'll feed him in a minute." Peer hurried to supply the drinks to the customers sitting on the stools.

"Can I?" Coco held up her hands. "I'll wash first, and my break starts in a few minutes so I can sit down with him."

"Appreciate it." Peer motioned his chin toward the kitchen door. "There are bottles in the fridge in the breakroom. Put it in the micro—"

"I remember how to do it." Coco bounced, flashing a grin. "I'll change him, too."

Dinah filled up the pitchers and delivered them to the customers at Table Four. She checked in with Monica, Heather, and Lizzy for any more orders. With all customers settled for the moment, she returned to the counter and cleaned around Peer.

"Tyr's adapting to all the noise here and at the clubhouse." She smiled at Peer. "Is he sleeping longer at night?"

"Three hour stretches." Peer flung the towel over his shoulder. "The women help during the day; I don't think Tyr cares who is holding him. As long as he has a bottle in his mouth, he's happy."

She scrubbed at a sticky spot. "Well, I'm not a baby expert, but he sure seems like a happy boy to me."

"You don't have younger siblings?" asked Peer.

A heaviness settled in her chest. Brage hadn't shared with everyone at the club about the struggles she was trying to get through. She'd been reluctant to talk about it.

She shook her head. "I haven't even held a baby before."

"You can hold Tyr anytime you want."

"Oh, no." She picked up the line of dirty glasses. "I'd be afraid of doing it wrong or making him cry. I'm a pro at observing though. He's a perfect baby."

Peer stared at the glass in his hand. Growing concerned over his lack of response, she stood beside him.

"His mom..." Peer cleared his throat and shook his head.

That was the end of the conversation. Whatever consumed Peer's thoughts were too much for the strong man.

She squeezed his arm and let him be with his thoughts. There was nothing she could say or do to help him adjust to raising a baby on his own. She could barely figure out her own life as an adult.

The closer she grew to Brage and the longer she stayed at the Slag clubhouse, she realized she couldn't hide out here forever. She also couldn't go back to Idaho.

Right now. At this time. She couldn't be in the same town as Tony or Moroad Motorcycle Club.

"Dinah," called Heather.

She looked up and caught Heather pointing to a table in her area. Smiling, she went to help the customers.

Returning to the counter, she filled the orders when Brage came in and sat down in front of her. Her chest warmed seeing him. He had his hair pulled back, and his beard was brushed. The ends of his whiskers still damp from a shower.

Thankful for the counter between them, she had a real urge to cuddle up to him and inhale the clean, leathery smells coming from him. Pouring the drink slower so not to spill as her attention drifted to Brage, she said, "Did you have a good ride?"

"Mhm." He moved the tray in front of her to the side. "Come here."

She leaned over the counter. He kissed her. She hummed in pleasure into his mouth and dropped back down on the heels of her feet, breaking the contact.

"It's Saturday." She picked up the tray. "Once I'm off, there's no work for two days."