Page 45 of Brage & Dinah

Chapter 18

Two hours into thebar opening, every table was full. The phone in Brage's pocket vibrated. He retrieved his cell and read the long text on the screen.

"Fuck," he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

The news wasn't good. Hating what he needed to do, he tipped back the last of his beer and stood from the stool.

"Dinah?" He motioned her to him.

She wound around the tables and approached him with her brows raised. He leaned down and whispered, "I need to take Peer away for the rest of the night. Do you think you can cover the bar?"

She blew out her breath. "I can try."

"Ask Lizzy if you need help." He texted on his phone. "I've let Elling know Peer will be gone. He'll watch over you ladies."

Dinah glanced over at the bar. "Um, does Peer know he's leaving?"

Peer talked with one of the customers as he filled glasses. A heaviness settled on Brage's shoulders. What he had to do would forever change Peer's future.

"Not yet." He hooked her chin with his finger and said, "If things get too hectic and you ladies can't keep up, let Elling know."

She frowned. "You're leaving, too."

"Ja." He trailed his thumb along her bottom lip. "You can do this on your own."

"I'll try." She glanced around. "I need to make some drinks."

He watched her walk behind the counter and said, "Hey, Peer."

Waiting until his MC brother finished pouring the drink in front of him, he motioned Peer to follow. What he had to share needed to be done in private. He caught Dinah's gaze. There was a guard at the front door, she'd be safe while he handled business.

In the hallway, he waited for Peer to arrive. The wait wasn't long. Too short for what he had to do.

Peer flung the towel in his hands over his shoulder. "What's up?"

"Walk with me for a few." He smacked his hand down on Peer's shoulder.

Used to keeping club business private, Peer came outside to the alley with him without questioning why he was being taken away from working the bar. Brage lit a cigarette and handed the pack to Peer.

His MC brother lit a smoke, inhaled deeply, and exhaled. There was no easy way to break the news to Peer and Brage found himself at a loss for words.

"Are you trying to break the news that Kelli called and said she's in labor?" Peer dragged heavily on the cigarette. "I'm prepared for that. She's told me the whole time she was pregnant that she was going at it alone and doesn't want me around. Not much I can do without any warning. She left Seattle. I don't even know where the hell she is. She won't tell me."

Brage flinched. He knew how Kelli screwed Peer over. To Norwegian men, family, especially their kids, were the most important thing in their life.

Deciding that breaking the news would only cause Peer thirty seconds of heartbreak before he faced his biggest challenge, he stubbed out his smoke and said, "You're needed in the clubhouse."

Peer followed suit and walked across the alley. Sometimes the most painful things in life had to be met head-on. The aftermath was easier to deal with than the actual shock.

He opened the door and motioned Peer inside. Following his MC brother, he felt the impact of what sat on the table waiting to become a part of Slag Motorcycle Club.

Peer slammed to a stop at the sight of a baby bundled up inside a car seat. Brage stood beside him in support.

"An Uber driver pulled up to the gate and handed the baby to Jon. There's an envelope with your name taped on the blanket," he said quietly.

He kept the information short. For Peer, he'd been handed too much to understand everything being flung at him. Brage gave him time to grasp the most important thing. The baby was Peer's.

Peer stepped forward, not stopping until he approached the table. Taking the envelope, he tore it open and unfolded a piece of paper.