"Why not?" Her voice shook. "You don't care about me."
"I've never said that."
"You don't have to." Her gaze dropped to his chest. "I've slept in the same bed with you for...I don't know how long, and you don't touch me. You can't forget that my brothers belong to Moroad. It's like I'm your enemy now, and I haven't done anything to you or your club. I've tried to follow all the rules, and I make sure I never leave the room without you knowing and going with me. Do you know how many times during the night I want to get up and go pee, and I stare at the wall until my stomach aches because I'm scared of waking you up and asking you to walk me down the hallway? I don't know what else I can do to prove to you that I'm—"
He hooked her neck, bringing her forward, and captured her mouth. She struggled against him until he opened wider and stroked his tongue against hers. As she gentled, she grabbed the front of his vest. His whole body stiffened. The weeks of ignoring his attraction to her set free.
She mewed. The vibrations of her moan absorbed by his lips.
His cock had other plans. He pulled back and kissed her lightly, holding her until she came down from the kiss.
"I never not want to touch you," he whispered.
Her gaze lowered to his lips. "You don't hate me?"
"I hated wanting you when I believed you were trying to bring Slag down."
"Do you still think that?" she asked.
He pressed his lips to her forehead. "No."
She looked up into his eyes. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do or what will happen to me."
"Will it help to know that tonight, there's nothing keeping me from fucking you?"
She swallowed and nodded.
"You better run in and get ready for work." He removed his hand from her neck.
She stepped backward. "What are you going to do?"
He adjusted his cock and caught her looking down at his jeans. "Walking it off."
Her mouth formed an O, and she turned and hurried into the clubhouse. He inhaled deeply and strolled halfway to the line of motorcycles before he got rid of the rush of lust.
Searching for one of the prospects, he found Jon talking to Rune. "Hey, Jon."
The prospect turned. "Do you need something, Brage?"
"I want you to go to the store and buy every pack of cinnamon gum on the shelf."
"Ja." He found himself grinning. "Cinnamon."
He pulled out another cigarette. It was going to be a long eight hours until the bar closed and he could have Dinah again.