Page 40 of Brage & Dinah

Chapter 16

Slag members workedon supporting the gate after Moroad Motorcycle Club members were forced to leave amidst gunfire. Dinah pulled against Brage's hold on her arm.

The fear that'd swept through her when Moroad busted in remained with her. She hadn't expected Tony to come and bring his club with him. What about their private meeting?

Brage tightened his hand, refusing to let her walk away. "Someone give me an update on Dag."

"Finn is stitching up Dag's head. He's probably got a concussion. There's a little memory loss over what happened. Heather is staying with him and making sure he doesn't get worse." Viktor carried a new piece of metal siding toward the end of the alley.

"Keep working on the gate. I want a crew surrounding the block, and if the cops show up, we need a warning." Brage turned around, pulling Dinah with him. "Roar?"

"He's on the phone with Knute, letting the Seattle Chapter know what went down," said Joel.

"Brage, please. Let go of my arm." Dinah tried to pry his fingers off her. "You shot Tony."

"Unfortunately, he's going to live." Brage held on to Dinah's arm. "For now."

"C-can I use a phone and call him?" Her words came erratically through her tears.

"Are you kidding me?" Brage kept her in front of him. "You're fucking responsible for what happened tonight. There are three hundred members who want to get rid of you, and you're concerned about the fucker who—"

"He's my brother," she screamed, her desperation showing.

The second she heard the bang and Tony's grip on her hair gave way, she knew what had happened. Instinct had her backing away from her brother, and she'd knocked into a motorcycle. Someone, a Moroad member, kicked her down. All she could think to do was stay on the ground and cover her head, making herself as small as possible.

In the next second, Brage hauled her to her feet. She had no idea where Tony had gone or if he'd left under his own power or if one of the Moroad members hauled him away.

She looked around, searching for Tony's motorcycle being left behind but with all the bikes in the alley, she couldn't be sure if one of them belonged to her brother.

"Tony Reed is your brother?" Brage's gaze narrowed. "You're sure about that?"

Her time to keep her relationship with the Moroad members was over now that war had started between the two clubs. A war that seemed centered around her.

She pressed her teeth together to keep from chattering. For once, she wished the heat from the sauna surrounded her.

Tony had claimed he was the person in trouble. Why would Moroad come after her?

She opened her mouth to try and explain again in hopes of gaining possession of her phone, any phone, but Brage shook his head, stopping her.

"As soon as the gate is fixed and we've gained an all-clear that the cops aren't going to bust in here asking about a shooting, you and I are going to talk. This time, you're going to tell me every damn thing you know," he said.

The time for her to confess came sooner than she'd expected. Two hours later, Brage put a cup of coffee in her hands as daylight broke outside. Roar and Elling stood off to the side of the room.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she trembled in Brage's small bedroom with all the men watching her. Roar was no longer her boss. Elling was no longer an occasional customer in the bar. Brage was no longer a man she'd had sex with and knew intimately since being held captive.

Most of all, she could no longer rely on Tony to save her and Brad was in prison. She was alone, and it was never so clear that these men would rather get rid of her than let her leave under her own power.

"Let's start from the top. What's your name?" asked Brage.

Disappointed that he wouldn't believe anything coming out of her mouth, it no longer mattered if he knew who she was.

"Dinah Reed. Brad and Tony Reed are my older brothers," she said.

Brage shared a look with the others in the room and turned back to her. "How old are you?"


He pulled the chair toward the bed. The wooden legs screeching against the floor. Goosebumps broke out along her arms, and she squeezed her hands between her thighs to keep him from seeing her shake.