Page 25 of Brage & Dinah

Chapter 10

Roar stood at the headof the table in the meeting room. Brage wanted nothing more than to end the talk between the officers of Slag Motorcycle Club. He understood the threat posed on them by having Dinah right under their nose.

He understood that if Dinah somehow gained the information they had as they pulled the groups being extorted by Moroad away from the other club, it could put all their lives at risk.

He understood that she couldn't have her freedom until they decided what they were going to do with her.

That's where the conflict came in because Slag Motorcycle Club wouldn't kill a woman. There were better ways to hurt someone.

In the past, when they wanted to make someone pay, they always hurt the person closest to their enemy—normally, a family member. For their enemy to know they caused the scarring, the pain, the traumatic experience, or the death of the person most important to them caused a lasting impression that would never go away. An agony they needed to live with for the rest of their life.

There was no greater punishment.

"We know we can't let her go because she'll run back to Idaho, and whether she has information that will compromise our plan or not, it's a sign of weakness on our part. Brage will remain in charge of overseeing she doesn't escape until we get more of an idea of what the hell is going on." Roar dumped a heavy sigh in the room. "Let's close this meeting."

Brage stood and walked toward the door when Roar called his name. He stepped out of the way of the others. When the room cleared, he looked to his president.

He and Roar had grown up together in the Slag Seattle Chapter. Only a year apart in age, they'd experienced all of life's stages together within an organized motorcycle club. The bonds were tight. They were family.

Roar pulled on the braid containing his beard. "I see what this is doing to you."

"I knew something was off the first night I met her at the party." His gut churned. "She slid onto the seat of my Harley like she'd done it a hundred times."

Roar grunted. "I hired her."

Damn women. Norwegians had a weakness for the prettier sex. This time, he'd let down his guard.

"Don't let her hurt you, brother." Roar walked to the door. "If you need someone to relieve you, Viktor will be on the other side of the wall or give me a call."

"You've got Lizzy and Coco to watch over." Brage shared a look of understanding with Roar. "Hopefully, tomorrow, I'll have the answers we need."

"Get some rest." Roar checked his phone. "I'm going to stick around another hour and wait to see what the scouts found out about Brikken Motorcycle Club and Bantorus MC. I don't want too many threats coming at us at once until we secure ourselves first."

Brage walked out of the room and to the stairs. There was no excuse to party tonight. The Slag members who continued to live within the clubhouse moved around, keeping order to their lives. The others living in rentals in the area were on call. At a moment's notice, they'd ride in if trouble showed up on two wheels.

In front of his bedroom, he slid the locks and opened the door. After midnight, the room was dark. He let enough light in from the hallway to see Dinah on the bed, a blanket thrown over her shoulders. His throat tightened. He'd put off staying in the room with her after he'd brought her dinner.

He had a weakness for her. The less time spent around Dinah until he could find the strength not to feel for her, the better.

Quietly closing the door, he walked over to the chair. He quickly texted Viktor to lock him and Dinah inside the room.

Taking off his boots, he set them out of the way. He removed his vest and T-shirt. Putting his pistol back under his belt, he stretched out his legs and crossed his arms.

Keyed up, he wasn't able to rest. He also wasn't prepared to sleep in the bed next to Dinah.

A soft whine came from the direction of the bed. He let his head fall back against the wall. She was tougher than he'd thought.

Having only seen her softness and experienced the pleasure she shared with him, the confrontational attitude and bravery she flung at him when she realized what was happening took him by surprise. Then, anger set in.

She'd dealt with Moroad. She was probably capable of much more than he was aware of.

A low thrumming filled his ears. He patted his pocket. It wasn't his phone vibrating.

Remembering that he'd taken Dinah's cell, he retrieved it from his vest and sat back down. Glancing over to make sure she still slept, he checked the text coming through. He scrolled. Make that multiple texts from someone that went by T.


Need info.