“Love you, too. Agh!” Dom sat back, sending Abe deep. He cried out again, the veins standing out in his neck. “There! Oh, it’s so damn good right there. God, I love that fat cock of yours!”

Vocal Dom was always added pleasure and Abe pushed into him hard, forcing out all kinds of sexy noises, cries, and grunts. Dom suddenly clamped down on him so hard, Abe saw stars.

“I’m gonna come!”

“Yeah, baby, do it.” Abe loved to watch Dom spill all over him, and he watched with greedy eyes as the man above him came apart. As always, that was enough to send Abe over with him, and he groaned long and loud as he came inside Dom.

Dom slumped over him, breathing hard into his neck, dropping a kiss every few seconds. He finally laughed and squeezed his arm around Abe’s waist before looking at the bedside table. “Those cheap-ass candles burned out. And yeah, we’re not eating that top one unless you were one of those kids who actually ate the little wax bottles filled with juice.”

“How do you even know about those?”

“Retro Candy, how else?”

Abe rolled his eyes and hugged him close. “I love that you made me pancakes and I’ll eat them, waxy or not.”

“You’re so easy.”

“We just proved that.” Abe stared into Dom’s face, watching for the hints of sadness that had flitted through so often in the days after he’d taken his brother’s life, glad to see none.

The police had ruled James’s death self-defense, and considering nobody had known of John O’Brien’s existence, James had been the one wanted for all those crimes in the past. It had been touch-and-go for a while as Abe worried Dom’s past would come back to bite him in the ass. Outside of a lot of questioning, and hours spent sharing the cipher and more, the authorities had many past crimes that were now pinned on James and his crew. The police had rounded them up, thanks to a little help from Ward Security, and Abe doubted they’d see freedom for a long time.

He had a feeling Rowe and his powerful friends had a little to do with the fact that Dom wasn’t in trouble for using his current identity. Hell, his birth one had never legally existed.

Dom sat up and swung his legs to the side of the bed. He gave Abe a saucy grin before sauntering naked into the master bath. He came back with a warm rag he used to clean Abe; then he stood eyeing the pancakes, with a frown crinkling his nose and brow. “We’re not eating these. Good thing I saved the batter. Come on.” He held out his hand. “Let’s go have a very unhealthy breakfast. I want bacon, too. I picked some up on the way here last night.”

“You don’t have cake planned for tonight at your place, do you?”

“It’s a birthday cookout, so of course there’s cake. We’ll go running every day next week to make up for it.” He tugged Abe out of the bed and smacked his ass as he walked past. “No clothes either. I’m still pretending it’s my birthday, too.”“You never take your eyes off him.”

Dom turned from where he was grilling burgers, and his belly flip-flopped when he realized who’d spoken. Shane. Abe’s son had been on a few hectic cases the last month, so they’d only been able to meet for lunch once since the insane shootout with James in the warehouse and even then, others had been around. Shane had watched him quietly, so obviously perplexed by Dom’s relationship with his father.

After a month with the man, Dom knew even more that this was a forever thing. So Shane was just going to have to get used to him.

Coworkers and friends filled his backyard, where he’d strung lights in the trees that would come on soon with the approaching darkness. He stood on his deck, and though he was in charge of the meat portion of the meal, yeah, he’d been mostly watching Abe laughing with his boss. Abe wore those loose, sexy, and faded jeans Dom loved with a brown Henley that made his eyes look like warm coffee. Rowe made an explosion gesture with his hands and Abe threw his head back, his laughter deep and throaty.

So. Fucking. Sexy.


Embarrassed, he tore his gaze off his man and turned it back to the son. “Sorry.”

“Actually, don’t be. I’m…happy to see how you are with him. I’ll confess, I came here worried. My mother did a real number on him, and he didn’t date anyone again. I thought he never would. Then when he does, it’s well, surprising.”

“So you’re thinking what? That I’m some kind of midlife crisis?”

Shane shrugged. “I was. A little.” He glanced at his father, then focused brown eyes so like Abe’s back on him. “But I was mostly wondering what you were after.”