“I know I speak for Garrett and Sven and a bunch of the other guys. We’ve got your fucking back, Dom,” Royce murmured in his ear. “You just say the word, and we’ll help you take down this piss-ant brother of yours.”

“Thank you,” Dom choked out. He released Royce to find Quinn grinning up at him.

“Rowe’s just got good taste in deviants,” Quinn teased.

“Fuck, squirt,” Royce groaned.

Quinn ignored him as he quickly hugged Dom and then backed off to where he’d been leaning against the door near Royce.

“All right. All right,” Rowe said, clapping his hands together. “Now that we’ve had our Oprah, hug-it-out moment, we need to get down to business and figure out what the fuck this bastard is up to in our city.”

Dom nodded and returned to where he’d been sitting on the sofa. He couldn’t quite meet Abe’s gaze. The man had been amazing through it all. So damn supportive. But that was just who he was. He didn’t want to see anyone hurting. Always there to help. But what about later, when all of the information finally soaked into his brain and he’d had time to mull it over? Would he really want to date someone who cheated, lied, and stole from innocent people? Would he feel like he could truly trust Dom? They would have to talk in private, and Dom was not looking forward to that conversation either.

“James is still crazy,” Dom started again. “Actually, I think he’s become even more insane over the years. And he’s got a crew. From what I can tell, there’s at least six of them, plus James. I can give some descriptions, but no names except for someone named Slaney. I’d say that’s his boyfriend. I saw them all at Jubilee about a week ago.”

“I can pull up cameras in the area of Jubilee and see what I can find,” Quinn quickly offered.

Dom shook his head. “It was the night of that big rainstorm. Not sure if you’re going to get much that’s usable. But you can just start by looking for a guy that looks a hell of a lot like me traveling with people you don’t recognize.”

Quinn slowly released a deep breath. “It’s not great, but it’s a start.” Looking over at Rowe, he cringed a little. “Can I pull in Cole or Gidget for this? It’s going to take some really special search coding to go quickly through all the data.”

“Grab them both. The faster we catch James, the faster we make sure that Dom stays safe and out of the hands of the cops.”

“You know that’s the most logical answer to all of this,” Dom said, weariness creeping into his voice.

“What? The cops?”

“Yeah, I go straight to the cops and tell them everything.”

“No! Absolutely not.”


“You pour your heart out to the cops, and they’re going to ship you straight back to California, regardless of the statute of limitations on your past crimes. They’re going to try like hell to tie you to other bullshit your brother pulled, and you’re not getting tangled up in his shit.”

“Plus, that leaves your brother behind and loose here,” Royce added. “If you’re gone, do you honestly think he’ll leave Abe alone?”

Dom’s heart stopped for a second in his chest as he looked at Abe. He knew that Rowe and the rest of Ward Security would guard Abe with their lives, but he couldn’t stand the idea of being separated from Abe. He wanted to be there to keep him safe, even if it was his fault that he was in danger in the first place.

“What do you think?” Dom asked. His voice sounded like his throat had been rubbed raw with a cheese grater. “You say the word and I’ll go straight to the police right now.”

Abe frowned as he stared at Dom. “You know, it might be better to hear what options Rowe has at his fingertips.” A slow half smile started to break through. “Quinn has told me on several occasions that he’s pretty good at sneaky shit. Besides, Rowe promised to teach me how to pick a lock, and I really don’t want to miss out on learning that.”

Sucking in a deep breath, Dom could only nod. There were no words.

“Did your brother tell you why he’s in town? Is it the jeweler that Hollis mentioned a few days ago?” Quinn asked.

“Yeah, Carrington,” Dom said with a nod. “They got in this one-of-a-kind line of jeweled purses. Real exclusive maker and millions in gems. If they fence the purses themselves, they can easily remove the gems and sell them loose for a bundle.”

“When does he plan to hit it?”

Dom shook his head and sighed. “Not sure. There was an argument that interrupted my brother punching the shit out of my ribs. He’s got some techy guy on his crew that came in. Apparently, the store not only upgraded their security system, but the police have recently changed up their surveillance of the area. It sounded like they were planning to scout the place again before they knocked me out.”