“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, Dom and me,” Abe said sharply.

“Oh, it’s definitely my business,” Rowe growled. “Dominic is one of mine, and I look out for mine.”

Abe stared at the man. It was as if all of his feathers were ruffled over the events surrounding Dom. He was seeing an older man and his brother was in town. There was no missing that Rowe liked to be in the know when it came to his people, his family. And the employees of Ward Security were definitely his family.

A smile tried to form, but Abe pressed his lips together, holding it back. In this rare instance, Rowe Ward was all bark and no bite. But he was willing to bet that would not be the case when they got inside the bar.

“This serious?” Rowe demanded.

“It’s not a fling if that’s what you mean.”

Some of the tension eased from Rowe’s shoulders as they relaxed just a little bit. “If this is just some little experiment for you, you need to tell him now. Don’t lead him on. He deserves better than that.”

“I’m not playing with him, Rowe,” Abe snapped. He stared at the other man for a moment, who was watching him with one eyebrow raised in question. “I care for Dom. I viewed him as a friend before it became more, and I don’t ever want to see him get hurt. But I won’t make promises that I can’t keep.”

Rowe grunted. “Fair enough.”

“If the love doctor is done with his session,” Garrett teased over the earpieces they were all wearing. Rowe had grudgingly given one to Abe so that he’d stay in the know and be able to take directions from either Rowe, Garrett, or Seth regardless of where they were located on the premises. “I’m in position at the rear.”

“Boss, there’s nothing in the way of cameras to tap,” Quinn said nervously. “It’s like a black hole settled over a three-block area and the bar is in the dead center.”

“Bird’s eye is quiet,” Seth chimed in. Rowe had directed him to settle on a nearby apartment building rooftop and check out the surrounding area through a sniper scope. It was both reassuring and unsettling to know that they had a sniper backing them up. Abe had never walked into a situation where he needed a fucking sniper.

“Well then, I guess my friend and I are just going to pop into this dive and grab a beer.” Rowe pushed away from the side of the SUV and started to lead the way toward the bar just down the block. Abe fell into step next to him, trying to ignore the rapid pounding of his heart and the sudden dryness of his mouth. Dom did this all the time and managed it just fine. He could walk into this bar with Rowe, Seth, and Garett backing him up and come out safely again.

“Tell me again why we didn’t just call the cops?” Abe muttered under his breath.

“And what would we tell them? That our friend has been missing for six hours and we think he went to a bar?” Rowe asked incredulously.

“Or that we think our friend is in the hands of a known thief and murderer?” Abe snapped back.

“And how would we explain that? We might be able to hand his brother over to the cops, but it would also mean handing over Dom, and that shit ain’t happening. Whatever crimes he committed as a kid, Dom has paid for in his lifetime. I will not let him go to prison for that bullshit.”

Abe sighed. “No, I don’t want that either. I just want him safe.”

Rowe surprised him by putting his hand on Abe’s shoulder and squeezing. “I know, Abe. I know. We’ll get our boy back.”

They reached the front door and it wasn’t too much of a surprise that it was locked. Rowe reached into his back pocket and pulled out a handy packet of lockpicking tools. “Picking the lock,” Rowe said in a low voice to the rest of the people waiting on him.

“Is there any chance you could teach me how to do that?” Abe asked with interest as he watched Rowe fit the hook and the wrench into the deadbolt. When Rowe snorted, Abe couldn’t help but smile. “Just out of curiosity, of course.”

Rowe glanced over his shoulder at Abe and smirked. “Only if you promise not to tell anyone that you learned it from me.”

“Boss, you’re such a bad influence,” Quinn chuckled over their connection.

“Got it,” Rowe whispered triumphantly. He pulled the tools free and shoved them into his pocket again. He quickly got to his feet and looked over his shoulder at Abe, who had been using his wide frame to shield Rowe from the view of anyone looking in their direction.