“No, you’re not a wolf.” James walked over to a table and stabbed the knife down into the surface so it stood straight up. He turned back to Dom and smiled, the new wound pulling awkwardly at his flesh. “But I can use you as a sheep. You’ll help us get what we want, and then you’ll help us safely leave this city.”

“Go to hell!” He managed not to wince with the yell.

James grabbed the chair he sat in before and dropped into it again so that he and Dom were on the same level. He smiled a little, cocking his head to the side. “You could turn us in. Wouldn’t take much. But in this lovely little life you’ve built, would you really risk the sexy salt-and-pepper Daddy you’ve landed yourself?”

Dom went perfectly still at the first mention of Abe. He clamped his teeth together and fought the desire to snarl and fling threats at James. He’d just watched the man scar his own face so that they were identical again. His brother wouldn’t hesitate to go after Abe or anyone else in his life.

“What if I walked right up to him on the street? Would he know it wasn’t you? How long do you think it would take for him to figure it out?” James lowered his head a little bit, grin growing wider. “A minute? Five? Or longer? Would he finally figure it out when I had him on his knees and I was sliding my dick into his mouth?”

“You fucking bastard!” Dom snarled. He lunged forward in the chair, but a hand came down on his shoulder, pushing the chair back down on all four legs from where it had rocked forward. The plastic ties sawed through his wrists, cutting through flesh, but he barely noticed. He could only see James’s twisted face and hear his maniacal laughter as it filled the room. “You stay away from him. I will fucking kill you if you go near him!”

James straightened in his chair, a look of smug satisfaction filling his features. “Then it looks like you’re going to do exactly what I say.”

Stopping his struggles, Dom stared at his brother. Silence filled the room again. He would listen to James’s plan. He would learn his role. And when the time came, he knew that he wouldn’t hesitate to put two bullets in his brother’s brain if it meant keeping this insane fuck away from Abe and the rest of his family.Chapter ElevenAbe’s heart slammed against his ribs, his palms sweating like he was about to do something illegal. Might as well have been. His thoughts warred painfully in his skull because this was a betrayal of sorts. But his gut was telling him Dom was in trouble. He’d sent a text to the man, hoping for a funny response, and when Dom hadn’t responded within a few hours, every internal alarm he had went off. Dom wasn’t due to leave for a job until that night. They’d kissed for a crazy-long time in his entryway, and then Dom had promised to come by after sending some interesting porn, so they could act it out before he left for a few days. Abe had been looking forward to whatever deviant clip came from Dom’s repertoire and it never arrived. He’d been looking forward to the part afterward more.

A year of texting with the man had proved he had little patience when it came to messing with Abe, and Abe didn’t think a night of incredible sex changed that.

He wanted more of that sex. A lot more of it.

An unanswered phone call later, and his worry had skyrocketed. So here he was at Ward Security, about to ask his son’s boyfriend for help with the pictures of the stick figures. He’d printed out all the images, and the papers crinkled in his fist.

“Are you gonna lurk in the doorway all afternoon, Dad?”

He jerked at the sound of Shane’s voice and saw his son smiling at him just inside the IT room. “What are you doing here?”

Shane put a hand on his chest like he’d been shot. “Not happy to see me?”

“Of course I am.” Just not ready for the shit show I’m about to unleash with my son present. “I didn’t think you worked here.”

“I came by to pick up some papers from Rowe.”

Abe glanced into the computer-filled room and shot a grin at his son. “Don’t see the man in here.”

Shane just rolled his eyes and waved him in. “You here for business or pleasure or both like me?”

“Business.” Abe had only been to the building a couple of times, once for an office party and the other to pick up Quinn. But that time, Quinn met him downstairs, so he’d never gotten a good look at the IT room. It was a surprisingly big area with a massive table in the center and three different workstations with multiple large monitors all attached to mechanical arms. There were two people in the room other than Quinn and Shane. Gidget was a small blonde woman who seemed to favor long skirts, because she wore one every time he’d seen her. Today’s was so full, it covered the leg she had propped in her chair. Bare toes of one foot on the floor, spinning her chair side to side. Cole looked like he could be one of the bodyguards with his big, muscular form but like the time Abe had met him before, the quiet man merely smiled shyly.