He couldn’t take it. Roughly throwing off the man’s arms, Dom stepped away from the guy, pushing other people out of the way. “Get off me and go back to the table.”

Dom’s heart gave a little flutter when he finally got a good look at the other man. They were about the same height, and he had rugged good looks with dark hair and deep brown eyes that would have called to him not so long ago. Yeah, he and his brother definitely had a type. But he’d found Abe, and that shit didn’t matter anymore.

A confused and hurt expression twisted up the man’s features, but it only lasted a second. Surprised pushed his eyes wide and parted his lips. He spoke, but Dom couldn’t hear his voice over the loud music. He read his lips, though.

You’re not James.

Dom smirked. “Still wanna suck my dick?”

The man’s face turned bright red and his mouth snapped shut. Like he’d let this asshole anywhere near his dick.

Dom grabbed a handful of the man’s shirt and shoved him backward through the crowd, toward the bathroom, down a small hall to the left of the bar. He knew the guy was going willingly. They were the same height and build. There was no way he could move the bastard if he didn’t want to go.

Inside the brightly lit and smelly bathroom, Dom slammed the guy’s back against the light gray wall. The fucker just smiled at him. Of course, he smiled. He knew that Dom was outnumbered badly. Dom hadn’t seen this guy at the table. He must have been in the bathroom when he’d spotted James. That meant James had a crew of six instead of five. Seven against one were still shitty odds. He had to get the hell out of there before anyone came looking for this asshole.

“Why is James in Cincinnati?” Dom snarled.

“John,” the man said with sickening pleasure. Dom shivered at the name. He’d given up that name when he “died.” One of the few people to ever use it was James. “He’s looking forward to talking to you.”

Dom ignored his comments. Tightening his fists in his shirt, Dom pulled him forward a little before slamming him back against the wall. The few people already in the bathroom zipped up their flies and hurried out of the restroom. Even with the lax security, he figured that he had only a minute or two before someone came in to investigate the disturbance. Or worse, before James or one of his other crew members came looking for this dickbag.

“What the fuck does he want?”

The guy just stood there, taking Dom’s anger, his smile growing on his face with each furious word. “We came to town for a job, but we’re staying for you. He’s not leaving without you.”

“Fuck you. And fuck him. I’m not going anywhere with him. Tell him to get the hell out of Cincy. Go back to California.”

Dom released James’s lover and took a step toward the door, but a hard hand clamped down on his right wrist, holding him in place. He didn’t think. He just reacted. Left hand fisted, Dom swung around and plowed it right into the man’s jaw. He instantly released Dom’s wrist and swung his own left. Dom blocked the blow with his forearm. The impact rattled bones and he gritted his teeth. The bastard was solid.

He couldn’t let this stretch. The guy was just trying to keep him there, so he could be discovered. Time to fight dirty. Dom almost smirked. Couldn’t get much dirtier than a bar bathroom fight.

Smashing his left forearm across the prick’s jaw, he grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled his head down while bringing his knee up. Cartilage and bone crunched. The man shouted, this deep voice echoing off the walls and porcelain. Keeping him bent over, Dom fisted his hand in the would-be attacker’s shirt. He stepped backward and propelled him into the partially closed metal door of an open stall, then threw him into the toilet. There was a clatter of noise and shouting along with the sound of flushing. Probably caught his hand on the handle as he attempted to straighten.

Dom didn’t wait around for the guy to climb out of the stall and take another swing at him. Darting for the door, Dom hurried back into the club. Music hammered his eardrums, and he blinked against the dark room broken by the flashing lights. People moved around but he couldn’t make out faces yet. Didn’t matter. He shoved his way through the crowd, tunneling through the people still gathered in front of the bar. There was no sign of a bouncer or other staff beyond the bartenders slinging drinks behind the bar. No sign of James yet.

Sliding past the last of the crowd, Dom rushed to the door and outside. Rain poured down in nearly blinding sheets of cool water. Streams rushed down the sidewalk and rushed through the debris-clogged gutters. He paused on the sidewalk for only a second, running his hand through his hair, slicking it back. Rain soaked into his clothes in a matter of seconds, plastering them to his frame.