Abe took another deep breath and this one didn’t feel as good, because his stomach started to churn. “I’ve never been with a man, Dom. Never even kissed one.”

That made Dom’s head whip up. “What? At all? I mean, I suspected your experience was limited, but nothing?”

“You heard me,” Abe said quietly, closing his fingers tight around the cool beer bottle. “I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing when it comes to men.” He sat up. “I met Patricia when I was young, and it was so hot with us, I never looked at anyone else. After she left me, I hooked up a few times, but that was always with women. Each time, I was left feeling empty…and I don’t know. I just didn’t like how I felt afterward. I figured out casual sex wasn’t for me.”

“I’ve never said I was interested in just a hookup.”

“No, but you like to have a good time, and you like it with variety. You told me that yourself the first weekend we met.”

“That was true then,” Dom said with a little groan. “But things change. People change. I really like you.”

Abe sighed. “Dom, I really like you, too and love having you as a friend. Hell, I don’t have a lot of friends outside of my son and Quinn. I don’t want to fuck this up. So not only do I have trouble having casual sex, and especially with someone I like so much, I’m…” He cleared his throat and chuckled. “I have no idea what the fuck to do.”

Dom looked…flummoxed. Abe didn’t blame him.

“I know, crazy, huh?” Abe set his beer down on the ground and ran both hands through his hair. “I’m forty-nine years old, and I feel like a bumbling teenage virgin.”

“But you…” Dom released a nervous laugh. “You split up with her twenty years ago. You’re saying in all that time, you never even tried anything with a man?”

“Not even a kiss. I’ve had sex with women, but it wasn’t a priority. Some of my hesitance was due to how I let things go with my ex, but some was because of the financial crash in 2008. I spent years focused on digging myself out of a hole. Sex just wasn’t something I felt I needed to focus on. When I got the itch, I went with what I knew.”


“I love the expression on your face.” Abe laughed. “Women are great, Dom. But you’re attracted to only men, so you can’t see how I resisted, right?”

“Pretty much.”

He stared, his palms sweaty again because this had suddenly become so important. Dom wasn’t some hookup to experiment with, and he needed to be honest. Needed to make sure Dom didn’t think that was what he was doing here. “Ever avoid doing something because you don’t know how to do it?”

“You have a dick, Abe. You know what feels good.” Dom stood.

“Yeah, I do,” he breathed as he got out of the chair. This was it. Maybe Dom wouldn’t end up being the permanent partner he was interested in, but he was tired of fighting this.

Anticipation and nerves buzzed inside every inch of his body, and he suddenly didn’t care about the difference in their ages or whether Dom’s body was eons better than his own. He just wanted his fucking hands on him. He pulled Dom close, noting that the man had started to slightly pant already as Dom’s eyes roamed his face.

“Fucking finally,” Dom muttered as Abe took his mouth. He also grabbed the back of Abe’s neck with one hand and held him so tight, Abe couldn’t have pulled away even if he wanted to.

And he certainly did not want to.

His dick grew rock hard with the first touch of Dom’s lips, and all worries about knowledge or fumbling instantly evaporated because all he could think about was how Dom felt. How he tasted. His lips, softer than Abe had expected, felt so damn good on his and he ran his tongue along the seam between them. Dom opened immediately to let him in, but he was no passive participant on this ride. He brought his tongue out to play, and the sensual glide of it made Abe groan in the back of his throat.

That noise seemed to do something to Dom, because he gasped and let go of Abe’s neck to grab his hips, yanking him close.

His blood rushed so fast through his veins, he felt dizzy. Need clawed at him and he cupped the sides of Dom’s face and deepened the kiss, greedy for every taste he could find in the man’s mouth. The whiskers were a new sensation, prickly around his mouth, and he loved it. As much as he loved the hard body pressing to his. Dom’s cock felt like a pipe against him, and he couldn’t stop himself from shifting just enough to rub his own against it.