“There you go, my little carnivore. Just a few more days of shooting and you can binge-eat like the rest of the world,” Trent teased.

“You’re evil,” she said with a little moan. Her eyes finally caught on Trent’s companions, and Abe swore he could see a blush under her heavy makeup. “I’m so sorry to disturb your dinner.”

“No problem,” Abe murmured.

“Kate, these are my friends, Dominic Walsh and Abe Stephens. Guys, the lovely and hungry Kate Jones.”

She reached across the table and shook Abe’s hand, but paused when she took Dom’s hand. “You’re the one from the window. You saved Trent’s life.”

Dom gave a little shake of his head. “It was just a little saving.”

Trent made a scoffing noise, but Kate pressed on. “There’s a casting agent going frantic around here. I think she’s dying to cast you in something after seeing that video of you.”

To Abe’s shock, Dom went pale at the mention of the casting agent. “Please don’t tell her you’ve seen me. Hollywood is definitely not my thing,” he quickly said.

Kate stared at Dom in surprise for a moment and then nodded before turning her attention to Trent. “Sorry about interrupting your dinner. And just a heads up, I think we’re going to start soon.”

“Wife?” Trent asked.

“That’s what it sounds like,” Kate added in a low voice. She gave Dom and Abe a last smile and waved at them before walking over to an area that looked set up for hair and makeup.

“She’s interesting,” Dom ventured when they were alone again.

Trent nodded. “Kate’s great. This is our third movie together, and she’s so easy to work with.”

When people started hustling around them, Trent sighed and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I’ve enjoyed this a lot. Maybe you two can hit the town with me once we wrap.”

Dom chuckled. “Sure. I know a few fun bars. Like to dance, Elrige?”

“I do, but I rarely do it in public. My lack of rhythm makes me look like a T-Rex doing the pee-pee dance.”

Dom snorted. “Thanks for that visual.”

Trent was quiet for a few moments as he stared hard at Abe. “I’m about to step over a boundary here, but I have some experience and I can tell you do, too.”

His serious tone made the hair on Abe’s neck stand up. “I do. Married my high school sweetheart who turned out to be not so sweet.”

The nod and smile on Trent’s face let him know the man got it more than he wanted to say. There was a twist of longing he understood. He wondered if he was bisexual, too. Wondered what that was like for someone like him. A lot of younger actors were coming out, but Trent looked around forty. He bet it was harder for those who’d been on the big screen so long.

Of course, he could have been reading what he wanted into the situation.

Trent cleared his throat and leaned over the table. “I’ve met a lot of people in this job. Been all over the world and seen a lot of couples. Met several with age differences larger than yours.” Something faint flitted through his expression, something a lot like sadness or loneliness. “Finding someone you really click with is rare. I’m of the opinion you grab on to something like that and hang on.”

Startled by his frankness, Abe couldn’t help but frown.

“I know. I’m being nosy.”

“Hella nosy,” Dom muttered.

The awkward conversation was thankfully thwarted by a frantic young man in a headset running up to their table. “You need to get to makeup now. Derek is on the warpath. Seems wifey number four was spotted somewhere not so…wifely.”

“You’re such a gossip, Fred,” Trent muttered, sounding truly annoyed. “I’m sure Derek appreciates you spreading that around so casually.” He waved his hand at Dom and Abe. “I have guests.”

The guy looked at Dom and gasped. “You’re the one from the video!” He dug his phone out of his pocket and clicked on the screen a few times, then held it out.

Abe read the title.

Who’s the Hot Ginger with Trent Elrige?

Dom’s startled gaze met Abe’s as the video played, and something in his expression sent alarm through Abe. He tore his gaze away to watch Dom kick a guy through a window in a crazy impressive move.

Trent grabbed the phone and held it up to his assistant. “Who the fuck took this?”

The poor guy paled. “I think it was the person who was going to interview you.”

Trent turned back to Abe and Dom. “I’m sorry about this. People will do anything for a buck these days, and my life is never left private. It’s the price of this job. But I’m sorry you got dragged into it, Dom.”

“I should have been more diligent,” Dom said, half under his breath.

“You were a little busy saving my life and showing off some sweet kickboxing moves. Did you see my expression in that video? I had no idea I’d hired Van Damme.” He laughed and waved off Fred, who seemed happy to escape. “I’ve got to run, but the part we’re filming in this city should be wrapped up soon. It’s going to be longer than I thought, but I’ll call when it’s done. Want to take me out and show me your fair city, gentlemen?”