"He said nothing." The Slag member beside who Marcus, who she couldn't remember his name, glared at her.
The front door opened and several police officers walked in, hands on their belts, near their pistols. Lizzy backed away from the table and slipped onto the chair beside Coco. Her heart raced. Was this all about Roar hurting someone? Cutting a man?
"Evening, folks. If everyone can quietly and slowly step outside, we'd appreciate it." The police officer stood off to the side of the room. "We'll try to do this as fast as we can, and then you can get on with what you were doing."
The others in the room stood. Lizzy got to her feet and swayed. Coco grabbed her hand, squeezing it in support.
She needed to find Roar and find out if the police were here because of something he had done. If they arrested and took him away, she'd lose him.
In her panic, she had a hard time adjusting her eyes to the darkness outside. She pulled Coco along with her, trying not to cause a scene in front of the armed policemen standing in the alley. There must be at least a dozen law enforcement officers on the property.
Close to tears, she said, "I can't find him."
"Let's keep walking. He's got to be here somewhere." Coco pushed through the crowd.
Unable to see a thing because of the men surrounding her, she kept stopping to stand on her toes. When she looked for Coco, she'd lost her, too.
Turning in a circle, she couldn't catch her breath. The thought of him cutting and scarring someone, the police searching the clubhouse, it was too much.
Too much.