Page 56 of Tiny Fractures

“Her parents are taking us to this itty-bitty seafood restaurant,” she says, then lowers her voice to a whisper. “I actually don’t like seafood, but I didn’t want to be rude.”

I laugh. “I’m sure they have chicken or something for special people like you.”

I can just about hear the smile on Cat’s face when she says, “Jeez, I hope so. Otherwise I’ll have to binge on the biscuits and then I’ll be huge and you won’t want to go out with me anymore.”

I laugh again. “I don’t think that’s a possibility.”

“What, me getting huge? That’s definitely a possibility,” she says, trying to sound serious.

“No, I mean me not wanting to go out with you anymore. That’s not a possibility,” I say, realizing just how true my words are.

She sighs. “I miss you!”

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I miss her, too. How can it be possible to feel so strongly about someone I’ve just met?

“I miss you, too,” I finally say. “I can’t wait to see you.”

“Me neither.” She exhales loudly, then pauses. “But we only have to make it another twenty-four hours. So, what are you gonna be doing the rest of today?”

“Well, I’m heading to Shane’s in a little bit, but first I’m gonna take a quick shower.”

“Oh,” she says, making her voice sound sad. “That means you’ll have to take off all your clothes, right?”

“It would appear so.” I love this banter.

“Will you think of me?” she asks, her voice sexy.

“Would you like me to?”

“Yes!” she says.

“Then I will.”

She laughs, and I can’t help but smile. “I have to go, but can I call you later?” she asks, as she always does.

“Of course. Call me anytime,” I say, already dreading hanging up the phone.

“Think of me.”

I do think of her under the shower. Not so much in a sexual way, although those thoughts certainly cross my mind more often than I’d ever admit out loud, but more about how much I already care for her. Hearing her voice is the best part of my day, and I can’t wait for her to come back so I can see her perfect face.

I make it to Shane’s mom’s beach house by six. His mother is on a two-week vacation in Europe, apparently with some new boyfriend, and has asked Shane to house-sit, which to Shane means throwing one continuous party.

“By the amount of booze you got, it would seem you invited half of Manhattan,” I joke, grabbing a cold beer from the cooler. The chilly water from the ice runs down my arm.

“It’s not over the top, is it?” Shane feigns concern, fanning himself with his left hand while propping his other hand on his hip.

“Not at all,” I chuckle and take a sip, letting the cool liquid hydrate my throat. I haven’t eaten yet, which means I should take it easy, though I probably won’t. I tend to get myself into sticky situations when I drink too much. Both times I hooked up with Cheyenne I was less than sober, and I regretted it each time. I also don’t want to be one of those people who drink their problems away rather than facing them head-on, but then again, I don’t know how much more head-on-facing I can take without my mother finally killing me.

Steve and Vada arrive a little while later, holding hands and smiling. I can tell by the way they’re acting that the two of them just hooked up.

“You two have fun?” I ask, not even trying to hide my insinuation.

“Very much!” Steve exclaims, squeezing Vada’s ass in front of everyone.

Shane whistles, and Zack makes a face.

“That’s my sister, man,” Zack whines, disgruntled.