“I know before you were worried about being intimate with him. Has that been an issue?” My cheeks heat up, but I’m not going to let myself be embarrassed. Margaret knows that intimacy was something I was afraid would be lacking.
“We took things slow, at times too slow for me, but I’m glad we did because our first time was perfect.”
She never smiles or gives me any indication if she’s pleased or not. Margaret just jots down notes in her trusty notebook. After our session, I schedule a follow-up in two weeks. As we walk toward the door to her office, she stops me with a hand on my arm. “Britain, you’re really making excellent progress. I think Silas has a lot to do with it, but just remember a lot of this—” she points at me, drawing an imaginary circle with her finger, “—is all because of you. No child should ever go through what you did, but you survived it. Don’t ever stop fighting.”
Outside I climb into my baby and roll down the window just enough so I can inhale the crisp fall air. This is my favorite season, and I can’t wait to make good use of the fireplace in his living room. My baby purrs as I drive her across town to the shop.
I pull into the parking lot, and Keith and our dad are in the first bay leaning over a Ford F-150, both looking up when I step inside. “Hey, guys. I’m going to go put my stuff away and I’ll be right back.”
In the breakroom, I grab my coveralls and put them on over my jeans and t-shirt. I’m just zipping them up when my dad comes in. “How’d your appointment go?”
I smile at him. “It went great. I doubt I’m going to have to go too much longer. I feel really good.”
Dad wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. “That’s great. Go see your mom—she’s missing her girl.”
I’ve been so wrapped up in Silas lately I realize I’ve neglected my family just a little bit. “I’m sorry. I’ll go see her.”
“That would be good. How are things with him?”
I pull back and look up at my dad. “Would you please use his name? Mom loves Silas, and you should too. He’s good to me, and accepts me for who I am. He doesn’t try to change me. Regardless of what happens between us, he’ll always be in your life. Your son is marrying his sister.” I know he’s just being the overprotective dad, but he seriously needs to lighten up around Silas.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll be nice, I promise, and in my defense, I like Heather a heck of a lot more than her brother.” He winks before walking with me out to the garage.
The rest of the afternoon goes smoothly, and by five o’clock I’m pulling my car into the bay at the end so I can change her oil and give her a tune-up.
I grew up with my dad expressing how important car maintenance was. Plus, with my car being a classic I’m always on top of it, and let’s be honest—anytime I can be under the hood of my baby, I will be.
I’m elbows deep in the hood of my Chevelle, checking the belts and the spark plugs. “Britain?” I peek around my open hood and see a man standing in the mouth of the open bay doors. “I’m Alex. We met a few months back.”
Ugh, it’s the guy who questioned my sexuality. “Right, how are you?” What I really want to ask is, what’s he doing here?
“Good. I meant to come by a lot sooner, but after my bonehead comments, I’ll admit I was a little embarrassed.” He scrubs a hand over his head. “I brought my Impala, if you want to take a look at it.”
Maybe if I just look at it quickly, then he’ll leave. “Yeah, sure.” I grab my towel, wiping my hands off. I follow him out of the bay door. I’m in awe of his baby. It’s black and sleek, and is in mint condition. “Can I see under the hood?
“Of course.” He pops the hood, and I lift it up.
“Fuck…Is this a V8?” He nods. “How much horsepower does it have?”
“She has four hundred, which she didn’t have until I replaced her engine. I can work on cars, but I had the engine done by a professional.” He leans against the front, facing me. “What do you think of her?”
I look at him and smile. “She’s gorgeous. Can I hear her purr?”
He walks around me and gets in. She starts right up, and I close my eyes while I enjoy that beautiful sound. I feel him stand next to me, and open my eyes. “It sounds great. You obviously know what you’re doing.”
“I do my best, but I’m comfortable admitting when I need help.” I shut the hood and am prepared to walk back to my car when he stops me. “Would you like to get a coffee with me, or a drink?”
Oh God, this is awkward. “Ummm…well, I…um.”
“She’s already seeing someone.” I turn to find Silas standing behind us. I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t even hear him pull in. Silas wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side.
I smile up at him. “What are you doing here?”
“I was driving by and saw you, so I thought I’d stop by.” He looks at Alex and then back at me. “Who’s this?”
“This is Alex. His kids go to school with Bridgette. He stopped by to show me his Impala. Isn’t it cool?”
Alex holds his hand out. “Nice to meet you.”